I want to wish you the best holiday ever my sweet friends!

This time of year is the perfect time to reflect and show appreciation. Christmas is a time of giving, and I want to give my love to everyone. I am truly grateful for all of my followers, family, and friends that have and continue to support me in my journey. Honestly, I could never have done it without all of you.

I am excited for what the new year will bring to my blog.  I have so many ideas and projects in mind, I can’t wait to share them with you!  I know I have said this before, but I truly think without your support this blog would have never kicked off as well as it did. I enjoy receiving everyone’s kind comments, likes and all who are following me each and every day!

I am very lucky that I get to spend time this holiday season with my family and friends.  Others are not so lucky because they are away from home and can not be with their families.  Because of jobs, distance or serving our country.  So, please take some time this holiday season and be thankful that we have people that are away from their families to keep us safe and from harms way.  They are sacrificing their needs for ours!

I am going to take a little short break for the holidays from blogging.  But I will be back fresh and ready to start the year with you on January 15th!  Watch for my New Post Update!

Before I close let me share with you a few tips.

  1. Take time and put away your decorations with care.
  2. Wrap your breakables with bubble wrap, newspaper or old towels, this will prevent anything from getting chipped by banging against each other.
  3. When storing your Christmas tree, you’ll want to fold it up properly. Failing to fold it up nicely and just bunching up all the branches can harm the tree over the many months of it being stored.  Compress each branch section before placing it in the storage container or bag.
  4. Try to sort your decorations into categories and place a label of what is in the container, so that next year you can decorate an area at a time without having to empty all your boxes at once.  
  5. Try to plan out what color and theme you want for next year.  Having an idea will help you shop off season! 

I hope I inspired you with some type of decoration piece or theme for your next Christmas season!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  May this Christmas surround you with love and joy!  May it bring you happiness, health and prosperity.

From our home to yours……Happy Holiday everyone!

Stay Strong and Stay Blessed!

