Hello Friends!  This craft is for those that are planning on having a Christmas dinner.  This craft is very cost friendly.  I purchased the materials at my local Dollar Tree Store.

Here are the supplies you will need. ( I will base it on the standard 8 place setting).

2 packages of napkin rings

4 packages of jingle bells

Hot glue gun and glue sticks

Let’s get started on the napkin rings.

I emptied out the bells onto a charger plate.  I first applied a dab of hot glue to the bell and placed it on the top edge of the napkin ring.  But it was easier to dab a bit of glue on the napkin ring where I wanted the bell to be placed.

Add another bell to the bottom, underneath the first bell.

Keep adding bells to the ring.  Making two per row.  I used a total of 16 bells on one napkin ring.

Here it is all dressed up around a pretty napkin.  What do you think?

I love it myself!  Hope you have a great day and enjoy making you some jingle bell napkin rings!

Stay Strong and Stay Blessed!
