Hello there!  Welcome to 10 on the 10th inspiration blog hop.  I am joining 5 inspirational bloggers to share some Pumpkins/Halloween inspiration.  I want to thank Ann, The Apple Street Cottage for hosting this month.  At the bottom of my page I will list all of my friend’s blog links click on their names and it will take you to see there inspirations.
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So my project today is three wooden pumpkins.  I have seen these around in all different styles and colors.  I thought I would give it a shot and make some.  We have two 4 x 4 sitting in our shed doing nothing but collecting cob webs.  What a great time to pull one out and make some pumpkins.


  • 4 x 4 untreated board
  • branch from your yard – a size of a quarter
  • power grab or any adhesive you want to use
  • stain the color of your choice – I used red mahogany by Minwax
  • orange paint
  • Spanish moss
  • burlap wired ribbon
  • faux leaves

SHOP THE SUPPLIES or similar pumpkins to purchase



Here is how I made my three wooden pumpkins.

Cut 3 pieces from the 4 x 4 board.  If buying your board at Lowe’s or Home Depot they will cut the pieces for you.  The board is under $7.  I made a couple sets out of my one board.  Here are the sizes.

  • One piece 12 inches
  • One piece 8 inches
  • One piece 4.5 inches

Stain you pieces.  I am using Red Mahogany.

After the stain dried, I painted my pieces.  I used orange acrylic craft paint.  I gave them 3 coats of paint.

Once the paint dried I took 50 grit sandpaper and distressed all of the pieces.

Cut your branch into little pieces for the pumpkin stems.  I didn’t measured I just cut the size I wanted to use.

I am using power grab to glue the cut pieces of branch on the top of each board.

I took some hot glue and glued Spanish moss to the top of each pumpkin.

Taking some of my faux leaves and gluing to the top of the pumpkins.

I made the basic bow and hot glued it to the top as well.

That’s it.  Now to style your wooden pumpkins any way you want.  With the one board I made two sets.  Under $10.


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Don’t forget to go check my friend’s Pumpkin/Halloween inspiration now.  Just click on their name.

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18 thoughts on “4 x 4 WOODEN PUMPKINS

  1. These are so cute! I’m pretty sure my hubby has some leftover boards like this in his scrap pile so I can make some of these! I love the stems, too!

    1. The hardest part of the project was cutting the board. Mr. Tip had to cut it and then turn it to cut through it. With the proper saw it wouldn’t of been a problem. But it worked out fine so I am happy. I can’t wait to see how yours turns out.

    1. Tammy I knew I wanted to give them distressing so my first thought was to stain the wood. I am so glad I did. I think they look cute and was so easy to make. Hope you have a great Thursday!

    1. Hey there sweet friend! I knew I was going to distress them so I thought the stain color would be a better look than the lighter color. Thanks for stopping by Cindy!

    1. Thanks Patti. I saw the polka dotted ones and thought about doing those, but I am giving these as gifts so I just went traditional. Have a wonderful Fall season.

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