Hey there!! Welcome all my new followers. 🙂 It’s time for another 10 on the 10th inspiration. I want to thank Carol over at Bluesky at Home for hosting this month. This month we are sharing some yard sale inspiration, from shopping, buying and how to. At the bottom of my page I have listed all of my friend’s links so you can go visit their yard sale inspiration. If you are coming from Katie over at Let’s add Sprinkles, doesn’t Katie have the best inspiration?
Today I am sharing some of my tips on how to have a successful garage sale. I hope you enjoy my blog today!
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My 5 tips for a successful garage sale
1. Picking the right date for your garage sale
Schedule to have a garage sale on the 1st or the 15th of the month. A lot of people receive their pay bi-weekly, this means your visitors will be able to buy more. 🙂
2. Organize and Clean your items to sell
This tip is very important to me. Walking up to a garage sale when things are piled up and in complete disarray could turn buyers away. I find a well organized garage sale leaves a good impression. Try having a pretty display by cleaning your household items, fixing what’s broke or throwing away broken items. It’s best to iron your clothing and placing on hangers it’s a great way to display clothing. You need to set up enough tables to hold your items and set up an area with a pole or rope to hang your clothing. Creating a well organized and clean display will lead to more money in your pocket.
For a safety tip, if you have unlevel area it’s best to use caution tape to draw attention to the unsafe area.
3. Clearly price your items
Pricing your items clearly is another important factor. You might be tempted to not price your items and let the people ask about the price, but trust me it’s not a good idea. People tend to pass on items not having a price. Another tip, make sure you have bright tags so the price is clearly seen. I find that using a premade price sticker is easier and are very affordable.
4. Be able to make change
Before the day of your sale you will want to make a bank run and get the proper cash for your money box. You know it will happen, someone will buy just one little thing for 25¢ and give you a $20 bill. What I normally place in my money box: one roll of each quarters, dimes and nickels, $20 in ones, $20 in fives, and $30 in tens. You also want to keep some sort of adding device at hand. You will be taking in a lot of numbers with people waiting in line. Personally I am not good at adding numbers while being in a hurry.
I used a my daughter’s old Caboodle organizer for my money box. It works perfect for our sales. You can use a shoe box or anything that you can keep closed.
5. Advertise your garage sale
Advertising is another way to have a successful garage sale. If people don’t know they won’t come. Make sure to put up plenty of signs with the date, time and location! Post an ad in your local newspaper and on your facebook page. Adding pictures is a great way to get people interested.
You can make your own signs by using foam board, pieces of card board or poster board. Using permanent markers showing the date, time and location.
- Another tip is save your plastic grocery bags. They come in handy for holding all of your buyers items.
Here are some helpful items (each under $10) to buy for your next garage sale:
For your next garage sale using my tips will help you get the most money for your items. Save my tips for your next sale. Happy garage selling!
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♥ Terrie
Don’t forget to check out my friend’s Yard Sale inspiration!
Carol at Bluesky at Home
Ann at Apple Street College
Kim at Exquisitely Unremarkable
Patricia at Pandora’s Box
Tammy at Patina and Paint
Susan at Homeroad
Katie at Let’s Add Sprinkles
Decorating our home on a budget is my thrill. I think a home can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Your home should bring the best out of you and make you feel happy. You should smile every time you enter your home. 🙂
Terrie, these are great tips. I used to love having garage sales every few years. We can’t anymore since our HOA doesn’t allow it. I have some great stuff, but no way to get rid of it. I love talking to people, getting rid of things we don’t need, and making a little moola!
That’s sad that you can’t have anymore sales. It’s a lot of work but a lot of fun at the same time. I love getting rid of things and having a fresh clean home, but it is only a short time before I start collecting things again. ha!
My favorite part of having a garage sale is wearing an apron and storing all the money and change in the pockets. I. Love. It! Great tips.
That’s a great idea with the apron. I am going to keep that in mind for our next garage sale. Have a great week.
Great tips, Terrie. I never thought of planning the date around pay days, but it sure makes sense. This post is perfect timing for me, since I’m planning a yard sale for next weekend. Thanks!
Best of luck on the yard sale. I am happy that I gave you some tips. Maybe one or more will help you.
Great tips. I haven’t had a garage sale in years. I agree that pricing items is key. It really helps the shopper.
Thanks Katie. We normally have one every year but the last two years we have had things come up unexpectedly and we couldn’t do one. I hope this year we will be ready and able to have one.
Great tips! And I totally agree about posting prices. I won’t even ask about an item if it’s not priced.
I do the same thing Kim at stores. If I don’t see the price I just sit it down. Thanks for stopping by.
Great tips Terrie. We have town wide garage sales once a year. If take part we set up the inside of our garage like a shop.
I bet your sale is wonderful. I try to set up ours like that too. We get a lot more people coming back each year.
Great tips! My neighbor and I usually have a garage sale every year the first Saturday in June. Our motto: If it comes out of houses, it doesn’t go back in. This is the first year we skipped the sale and I really missed it! Thanks for sharing great tips!
Tammy we were not able to do our annual garage sale last year. October is the best time for us to have ours. I have a lot more stuff this year since we didn’t have one last year. I do enjoy the visiting and getting rid of out stuff. ha! Happy Saturday sweet friend. Thank you.
Great garage sale Tips Terri! I need to have one for all the garage sale finds I brought home! LOL
Thanks Susan. I tend to be a thrift store shopper and have yard sales on those finds. ha! I love a good bargain no matter where it is. I bet you have some pretty nifty things. Have a wonderful weekend.
Great tips…setting up a yard sale is so time consuming and challenging. Rather than yard sales, I now love to scroll thru FB Marketplace…an easy way to find treasures!!
oh I do that too Patti. Not only is a yard sale time consuming but it is hard work. I love all the new faces I get to see when we have our yard sales. Plus some of the familiar ones too. Have a great weekend.