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Hello friends!  Spring is in the air!  Who does spring cleaning?   By spring cleaning our home, it makes my summer a lot less stressful.

What better time to share my routine and tips on spring cleaning?  For the next few weeks, I will be focusing on spring cleaning.  I hope you will want to grab your cleaning tools and follow along!

Spring Cleaning Routine

I typed all my duties in stages on laminated index cards.

During my spring cleaning I do one duty card a day.  I find, when I focus on one duty a day, I am not rushing to get the job done.  I take my time and do a good thorough cleaning.

If you want a copy of my routine, I created a worksheet for you to print off. 

Spring Cleaning Worksheet (Gmail DOCS)

Spring-Cleaning-Worksheet (MicroSoft Word DOC)

First Stage: Common Areas

I find that it is easier (for me) to go do a certain duty throughout the house.  For instance, light fixtures; I do all the light fixtures at one time.  I gather all the globes from the fixtures and give them a good cleaning.  Some I put in the dishwasher and some I wash by hand.

Second Stage: Each Room

This stage is staying in one room until all the duties are complete.

Third Stage:  Flooring

I shampoo our carpeting once a year.  Again, it is better to do all the carpeting at once.

After I shampoo the carpet, I do the rest of the flooring.

Fourth Stage: Outdoor Areas

We turn to the things that need to be clean on the outside of our home as well.  This stage, Mr. Tip helps out.

I am sure you all have your own routine that you follow.  This is how I do my spring cleaning.  It works great for me.  Having this system is not overwhelming for me and I really don’t dread the task of spring cleaning.

I hope this gave you some inspiration and some tips on how to make your spring cleaning easier.


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God bless you! ♥