Hello Friends! Today I want to share with you how I arrange flowers. I am by no means a florist and I don’t claim to be. I just thought I would show you how I make an arrangement the easy way. I don’t like to cut my stems or bundles because I might use them in another project. Maybe this will help you on making some pretty flowers arrangements for a holiday or in your decor.
Let’s get started!
I am using a country pitcher that a special friend gave me as a gift. I truly love it. I am not going to use the pattern side so I will turn it around.
Like I said earlier I do not cut my stems. I bend them around to make the height I want and place in the container. First I like to take all the leaf parts off the stem. I save them for later.
I bend around the stem to make the height I want. Making it a little larger circle to fit tightly at the bottom of your container.
To keep the stem from moving around I stuff plastic bags in the container to keep the stem in place.
Now I take all my bundles of flowers and place in the container.
I am using one of my other leaf bundles from a fall arrangement. I pulled the leaves off the stems (I will keep them in a bag to place back on the bundle when I change up my arrangement). I will place the rose leaves on the rose stem. Place that in the container and arrange the flowers and leaves to the position I like.
I take some ribbon and make a bow and place that on one side of the arrangement.
Here is my flower arrangement.
I am happy how it turned out. This is my way of making an arrangement. It is an easy process and something you could do? Let me know what you think?
This was the last of my decor pieces I needed for the Blog Hop. I can’t wait until I put it all together! Come join in the fun February 1st!
Here is the round up of the DIY decorations I did over the last two weeks. Tell me in the comments which one you liked the best. I would love to know.

Thanks for coming by today! Tomorrow I am excited to show you our family room. Since all the Christmas decorations are down and the house all cleaned I changed up my living room decor. Hope you come back tomorrow and check out my new living room decor!
Have a wonderful day!
Stay Strong and Stay Blessed!
Decorating our home on a budget is my thrill. I think a home can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Your home should bring the best out of you and make you feel happy. You should smile every time you enter your home. 🙂