Hello Friends!  How are you?  What did you think about the Valentine’s Decor Blog Hop?  It was a lot of fun and I want to deeply thank you for joining me on the hop.  I hope you got inspired to decorate something in your home.  Even if it is just a little corner on your kitchen counter-top or a centerpiece.  Spread the LOVE for Valentine’s!

For today’s post I wanted to share with you the RULE OF THREE in decorating.  Some people are lucky enough to be born with a great eye for decorating, some learn the skill and there are people that just don’t have a knack for decorating.  Hopefully, you will take this information that I am sharing with you and feel more at ease when decorating your home.


Let’s get started!


Make it NAKED!

Remove EVERYTHING off of the piece that you are going to decorate.  I mean everything!



After you have a fresh empty space first thing you will want to remember is to keep your decor with the theme of your room.  For example:  If you have a country theme you wouldn’t want to put a Tuscany vignette in the room.  Not saying you couldn’t I just would keep the theme the same.


Using the basic rules of 3 method:

Create a triangle above the piece of furniture with the tallest point at the center working down as you move left and right.  This allows a smooth transition from the furniture to the rest of the room.

There are 3 basic elements that you need to know when making a setting.

  1. Your anchor – This piece would be placed in the center.  It would be the main focal point of the setting.  Most of the time the anchor should be the largest object in the setting.  There are exceptions to this rule.
  2. Weight –  pieces are for the right and left side of the main focal point and it should add width or some movement.  These pieces do not have to be the same, as long as the height and weight is about the same. (For example; two candle sticks, one in front of the other and on the other side a vase of flowers).
  3. Fillers – Adding pieces with different heights under the anchor piece.  This could be photos, candles, or accessories, adding different sized items in front of each other gives the setting some character. You do not want to have the fillers taller than the weight in the setting.



Here is an example: 1-anchor piece * 2-weight and height * 3. fillers



Now that we have the basic tools to follow let’s talk about scale and proportion when you decorate.  Make sure you buy the right size of accessories to fit your space.

I read somewhere “that buying a lot of small knick knacks is like ordering a lot of small appetizers at a restaurant in lieu of an entree = it seems easier and cheaper but ultimately you end up spending more and walk away less satisfied”.

For the anchor piece – Rule of thumb something that will be the center of the setting.  It should normally run about 3/4th the size of the piece it will be centered above.

The two weight pieces – normally are not taller than the anchor piece.

In this photo the mirror would be the anchor pieces and the two lamps are the weight pieces.

In this photo I have the baskets as the anchor piece with two candlesticks and a vase serving as a weight.    Although the anchor is not the tallest but it is the statement piece.


With two different weight objects it still balances out and gives the same effect as the two lamps.


Now let’s talk about the filler.


This is probably the most important.  Fillers gives your setting that personal touch and the character.  Making sure you have the right size and proportion is the big key.  Try arranging groups of décor items in varying heights and directions.  For best results, stick to odd-numbered groupings, as these tend to be more pleasing to the eye.

Look at the first photo.  For the filler I arranged two books with a plant sitting on top placed near the lamp.  Two photo frames and a figurine next to the other lamp.  It has the 3 basic rules.  Anchor piece, Weight and Fillers, with different heights and direction.  Do you see anything wrong with this picture?


Here it is again, but with larger scaled items.  Two books with a greenery, two photo frames, a little figurine.




  • Replacing the books to a more appropriate size for the anchor piece.  The smaller books were being over powered by the anchor.  Since the books are larger we need to correct the size of the plant.
  • Changing out the smaller picture frames gives balance to the filler.  The two picture frames also complies with the horizontal and vertical movement.

I added a horizontal object with the books this meets the odd number rule, also having vertical and horizontal objects keeps movement to the filler.


Just by using the right size decor made a huge difference, Don’t you think?  Don’t settle for appetizers….Go for the meal…. friends!

I hope my blog today put some light on the subject on how to decorate your table top.  With this basic rule you can add to your design and have fun with it.  Most importantly….Make it your own.  Style it the way you like and how you want!  Remember to use the 3 rule method of decorating and you will see greatness.  Happy decorating!

As always follow me on Instagram and Facebook.  And jump over on Pinterest and see what all I pin.

Stay Strong and Stay Blessed!




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