Hello friends!  How is your Sunday going?  Yesterday I decided to clean off the front porch and take down the wreath that I had up there for the summer.  That being done…I needed something fall to put on my front door.  I wanted it simple so I looked at what I already had in my craft closet for the supplies. Gathered everything that I saw that would work and started making my fall wreath.

After I made my wreath I went out to the front porch and started decorating for fall.  I did not go out and buy anything just used what I had around the house. I used our old light-up jack-o-lanterns we had up in the attic, took the lights out of them all and I just turned them around so the faces would be toward the wall.  I did spray paint the one in the concrete container, because it was so faded.  It only took me a few hours to do, from cleaning the porch, making the wreath and then decorating.  I think it turned out cute.  The thought of doing this with things I already had on hand was the best part.

Here is what our front porch all dressed up for fall looks like

My door wreath

I placed a single shutter in the corner, my concrete garden container in front of the shutter, placed greenery and one faux pumpkin on top.  Two faux pumpkins, one on top of the other, to the side of the container.

Two lanterns on the other side of the door.  I placed a bow on each just to bring some of the burgundy down from the wreath.

Here is our porch at a different angle.


I had all the items that I used for my wreath.  If you are wanting to make this you could find a lot of the items at the Dollar Tree.  Which wouldn’t cost you much at all.

1.  a wreath.  I used a grape vine wreath but you could use any type of wreath you want.
2. long stalky greenery of your choice.  I used a leafy type grass bundle.  I have no idea what it was called or where I got it.
3. Two bundles of leaves.  I had two long picks that I once had in an arrangement.  You could use some sort of ivy.
4.Two bundles of berries.  I had two berry picks that were long stemmed.  I know that Dollar Tree has several different color berry bundles that would work perfectly.
5. ribbon of your choice.  I had some burgundy ribbon that had wire edges.  That is the best type of ribbon when making a bow.
6.  Floral wire.

Tools needed:
1. scissors
2. wire cutters

Here are the steps, if you are interested in making one for yourself.
Lay your wreath base down on your working area.
​Take your long leafy bundle and pinch about 4 leaves away from the other leaves.
Place the fewer amount toward the top and the part with most all the leaves toward the bottom; place that on the wreath, in the 10:00 clock position.  Use some floral wire and secure that to the wreath.  The greenery I used was a larger bundle.  If you can only find smaller ones maybe use two bundles.
Now take the leaf bundle placing them opposite directions of each other.  Place on top of the grassy, long leaf grouping.  Secure with wire.  (I used the ends of the picks and wrapped them around instead of using wire).
You will need to weave the leaves in and out of the grassy bundle.  Making sure that they are all mixed in together.
Now take the berry bundles, doing the same process as the leave bundles.  Secure those to the wreath with floral wire.  I weave the berries in and out of the leaves the way I wanted them to lay. I twist the leaves and berries together to keep them in place.

*I did not use hot glue because I like to take the floral off of it and use the wreath again but if you use hot glue removing the floral can damage the grape vine wreath.


Now you are ready to make your bow.  The best ribbon for making a bow is the type with wire edges and ribbon that doesn’t have a pattern on one side.

Take the end of the ribbon (make sure to leave a little for the tail) make a loop and pinch that between your pointer finger and thumb.


Twist the ribbon to make the front side face out and pinch it in the center. (Note: You will need to twist the ribbon after each consecutive loop). Do as many loops as you desire.  The more loops the larger the bow.  I used the whole roll of my ribbon which was a 9 yard spool.

Take a long piece of floral wire and wrap the floral wire about the area where you were pinching the ribbon.
Now open the loops to make the bow fuller and fluffier.  Shape your bow to the way you want it.  Place the bow on the wreath in between the two parts of your design.

Take the tails of the bow and cut the ends either in a slant or fish tail.  I did a fish tail.  Here is how I did that.
Take the end of the ribbon, fold it in half.  Take your scissors, starting at the folded part of the ribbon, cut the fold end to wire edge.  Making a slant angle from top to edge.
do that on both tails.  If you want just the slant look.  Take the scissors and just cut at an angle.

Take the tails and roll it up to make a curly-Q.  Roll and then find the end and pull down lightly.

Now you have a beautiful wreath to hang on your door.  It’s as simple as it can be.  You can always add to it with whatever you please.  I just wanted it simple this fall.

​Here is what my wreath looks like again on our door.


​Thank you all for stopping by and visiting with me.

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Hope you come back and visit me again.  Love to hear what you think about my front porch all dressed up for Fall.  Leave a comment below.  Also…don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter so you will get an email every time I post a new blog.  I don’t want you to miss a thing!

Stay strong and stay blessed!

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