In my recent Foyer Refresh , I styled a black and white striped throw I found in a thrift store. For Easter I decided I am changing the thrift store throw to a pink soft textured throw.
Before I start in on my tutorial for my throw, I want to mention Sara Birdz of a Feather and Donna Modern on Monticello they both are the master minds for the monthly blog hop, they both do a fantastic job gathering up talented crafters to provide you inspiration. This month we have 8 crafters sharing cute crafts with you, at the bottom of my page, I will share each participant’s link to their craft.
Let me say that I absolutely did not invent this idea, people have been making these throws for years; actually, I have two my mom made me years ago. This will be my very first time making one.
I will show you how easy it was to make my inexpensive throw for my spring foyer.
I bought a yard of fabric, which Hobby Lobby had their fabric for 40% this week. Mine cost under $6, an amazing price for this rose textured fabric.
How To Make a Textured Throw
To make this throw, you will need a yard of fabric, a ruler, marking pin and a pair of scissors!
Start out by laying your fabric face down on your workspace. From the edge of the fabric measure 5 inches and mark a line. Do this around the entire edge of your fabric.
I then took my ruler and made a line from mark to mark.
With a pair of sharp scissors make a cut from edge to the line. Keep cutting slits about 1/2 inch apart from each other.
For my measurements I used my thumb for a guide, cutting each of my stripe a thumb width apart.
I cut all around my fabric.
Oh, what a furry mess I had.
To make a pretty fringe around my throw, I took 4 cut strips and tied them in a knot.
I did this all away around my throw, tying 4 strips into a knot.
And that’s all I did. I took my throw outside and gave it a good shaken to get all the loose fur off. I replaced my black and white striped throw with my new easy cute spring throw.
It will look great there on the basket this Spring season, don’t you agree?
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Make sure you check the other Creative Crafter’s craft share, I have them all listed below for you.
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Stay strong and God bless! ♥
Decorating our home on a budget is my thrill. I think a home can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Your home should bring the best out of you and make you feel happy. You should smile every time you enter your home. 🙂