Who like me has spray painted something gold wanting that lushes shine?  I wish I had learned this trick long before now.  If you are wanting to learn more about spray painting with metallic gold spray paint, keep on reading!


I can’t tell you how many times I have spray painted something with metallic gold and it turned out more of a matted look than a high sheen.  No matter what brand of spray paint I used or the cost, each piece I spray painted had a matted sheen.

Let’s fast forward until a month ago, I wanted a gold frame, for something I am not sure what for, but anyway, I grabbed a black frame.  Did what I normally do when spray painting.  Cleaned the items, spray painted thin coats of gold at a time. To my surprise it turned out so pretty with a high shine.  WHAT?

So today, I’m experimenting with a bunny I had on hand, to see if spray painting it black first helps to create a high sheen gold bunny.

I gave it one good coat of black spray paint.  You could used dark walnut as well.  I think any dark black or brown would work.

After it dried, I gave it two thin coats of gold spray paint.  Letting each coat dry thoroughly.

It’s hard to photograph to get the true sheen of my bunny, but it’s a winner for me.

Here’s a before, during and after!

It looks just as shiny as the one I purchased gold, don’t you think?

I hope this post was helpful if you’ve been wanting a shiny gold finish when spray painting.

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