Who like me has spray painted something gold wanting that lushes shine? I wish I had learned this trick long before now. If you are wanting to learn more about spray painting with metallic gold spray paint, keep on reading!
I can’t tell you how many times I have spray painted something with metallic gold and it turned out more of a matted look than a high sheen. No matter what brand of spray paint I used or the cost, each piece I spray painted had a matted sheen.
Let’s fast forward until a month ago, I wanted a gold frame, for something I am not sure what for, but anyway, I grabbed a black frame. Did what I normally do when spray painting. Cleaned the items, spray painted thin coats of gold at a time. To my surprise it turned out so pretty with a high shine. WHAT?
So today, I’m experimenting with a bunny I had on hand, to see if spray painting it black first helps to create a high sheen gold bunny.
I gave it one good coat of black spray paint. You could used dark walnut as well. I think any dark black or brown would work.
After it dried, I gave it two thin coats of gold spray paint. Letting each coat dry thoroughly.
It’s hard to photograph to get the true sheen of my bunny, but it’s a winner for me.
Here’s a before, during and after!
It looks just as shiny as the one I purchased gold, don’t you think?
I hope this post was helpful if you’ve been wanting a shiny gold finish when spray painting.
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Decorating our home on a budget is my thrill. I think a home can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Your home should bring the best out of you and make you feel happy. You should smile every time you enter your home. 🙂