Hello,  happy Monday!  If you are new to my blog, welcome.  I am so happy you are here.  I love sharing tips and ideas on how you can decorate on a budget.  Today is all about keeping your home warm and cozy during the winter season for under $10.  I am joining a couple of friends and sharing how we cozy up our home during the winter months.  I will list all of the other girl’s blog at the bottom of my page.

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There are so many great ways to keep your home feeling cozy and warm.  I even shared a blog post on how to knit a cozy pillow previously this winter season.  If you missed the tutorial you can check it out here ⇒ KNIT PILLOW.  I am sure my sweet friend’s here on the hop will share some ways they warm up their homes.  I am going to share a tip on another way to keep you feeling cozy in your home.  Through the winter months the air in our home can get stuffy and stale because we keep our home sealed tight to keep warm.  I want to share how we can keep the air in our home smelling fresh and clean. Here are a couple ways you can….

  • light a scented candle
  • use plug ins with your favorite scent
  • simmer homemade potpourri
  • baking cookies or breads

All are great ways to help freshening your home.  Don’t you just love walking into a room smelling fresh and clean?  Let’s just say it makes me feel all warm and cozy. 🙂

Right now in the kitchen I enjoy using lemongrass essential oil in my diffuser.  It isn’t strong nor perfume smelling.  To me it smells clean and fresh with a little touch of sunshine.  🙂  I have several different brands of lemongrass essential oils.  To be honest I buy the less expensive ones.  I am sure there is a difference in the more expensive ones, but the inexpensive one works fine for me.  If you don’t like a lemon smell there are several scents to choose from and you can blend the oils together to make a scent that works for you.   Where do I buy mine?  I normally buy mine on Amazon for under $10.

I have a thing for a fresh and clean smelling house especially in the winter.  We have two diffusers in our home, one in the kitchen and the other in our bedroom.  In our bedroom we run our diffuser at night with a blend of lemongrass, peppermint and lavender.  It helps to soothe anxiety, fight tiredness, relieves stress.  That’s what I read anyway. 🙂  What I can tell you, it helps Mr. Tip’s sinuses.  I shared this blend before on a previous blog on my February favorites.  You can go back and read the blog here ⇒ MY FEBRUARY FAVORITES.

single time dose

  • 3 drops of lemongrass

  • 2 drops of peppermint

  • 1 drop of lavender

You will have to try this blend and tell me what you think OR tell me what your favorite Essential oil blend is.

To avoid your home feeling stale and stuffy try using your favorite scent in a diffuser.  Even for my perfume allergy friends, using spice essential oil in a diffuser hopefully wouldn’t trigger your eyes to water or sneezing continuously.


So many blend recipe out there online it’s crazy.  I haven’t really experimented on recipes maybe I will soon, for now I just love using lemongrass in the kitchen.  The scent makes my home feel fresh and clean, like I said early in this blog….it makes me feel all warm and cozy. 🙂



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Stay strong and Blessed ♥

Don’t forget to check out the other girls and their blogs on how to warm up your home.

Bluesky at Home

The Apple Street Cottage

Patina and Paint

Let’s Add Sprinkles






  1. Great ideas for keeping warm at home, Terrie. I think we were thinking along the same lines. I bought a bunch of essential oils a few years ago to make homemade cleaning supplies. They are still in a box. I need to get them out!!

  2. These are great tips on keeping your home warm and cozy during the winter. Candles and plush throws always make me feel cozy. I love diffusing essential oils, too!

  3. I haven’t tried essential oils. I have a diffuser but it uses fragrance discs. I may look into the oils. I have lost my sense of smell…don’t know why. It’s been about 6 years. I like the recipe you use at night. Even tho I can’t smell it, it can be calming. Not sure if this comment will work. I keep trying thinking one day it will.

  4. I so agree with you, Terrie! Lemon always smells like a little bit of sunshine and I think makes the whole house smell fresh and clean! Your combo scent for the bedroom sounds awesome and I’m definitely going to have to try it!

    1. You would love it Jessica. My daughter wants one to add lavender to it for her baby when she comes in April. They have so many cute ones to place in a nursery or children’s room.

  5. I love my diffusers! I love trying new scent combinations, but citrus is one of my favorites! It helps with making your house smell clean and fresh. Thank you for the tips, Terrie.

    1. Thanks for the citrus idea. Is that a couple of oils mixed together? I read one recipe that citrus was a mixture of pineapple and something else. I will have to try that one. I love a clean scent.

  6. I love diffusing essential oils in my home too for a variety of health reasons as well as for pretty scents. I have one diffuser I use the most that has the option of playing relaxing sounds as well and that is sometimes really nice and cozy. Thanks for sharing your favorite oil combinations!

    1. I need to get the relaxing sound diffuser. I have a noise buster near my side of the bed and the diffuser on my hubby’s side. I could combined the two. Thanks for the tip. Happy Monday!

  7. I love my diffuser for making my home smell fresh but I rarely try mixing oils although I’d love to start! And this recipe you shared sounds amazing and perfect for this season! I will be trying it soon! I used Lavender to help my kiddos settle down in the evening and it always works like a charm!

    1. I haven’t tried any of the blends I have found on Pinterest, there are so many. I think I am going to try some that I found while searching one day. Happy Monday.

  8. Terrie, such a great post!!! I’ve been wanting to get an oil diffuser, it sounds amazing! I’ll have to look on amazon! Thanks for sharing!!

  9. Terrie,
    I buy the less expensive ones too! I love the smell of lemon grass. However, I do need to get a new diffuser. I think I’ve worn mine out. I like the look of yours as it’s neutral.
    I will definitely be looking at buying one like yours. Thanks for sharing and hosting!

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