Today’s project share is of my thrift store Louver doors.  I changed the look of them, again.

To view the tutorial on how I repurposed my thrift store bifold doors in a previous blog post click here → MY THRIFT STORE LOUVER DOOR

I saw a wall décor piece in Kirkland’s that inspired me to create something with my bifold doors.  I was so excited to go home and start on the project. 🙂

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New Look for my old Louver door

Mr. Tip cut the panels out of the doors.

He couldn’t get into the corners with the circular saw, so I took the jig saw and cut the corners out.  Easy as that.

I applied mineral spirits to both panels before sanding.

To remove the old stain I used 80 grit sandpaper and a hand sander.

For the slats, I applied a couple coats of KWIK-Strip before sanding.

One down.

Filled the drilled knob hole with wood filler, let it dry and sanding with 100 grit sandpaper.

I used English Chestnut, by Minwax to stain the two doors.

I applied Waverly chalk paint in plaster in a dry brush technique to tone down the stain color.

Using a damp cloth I rubbed the paint off only leaving the paint in the grains and crevices.

Here’s the difference.

I had the iron scrolls up in the attic for years, finally am using them.  I found them on clearance at Old Time Pottery.

Mr. Tip had some metal staples, these will be great to hold the scrolls to the cut out panels.

To find the center of the panel I measured and marked the back side of the cut out panel.

I used the mark to center the scroll in the frame.

I hammered a metal staple to each side of the scroll, which held the scroll securely onto the panel.

The sanding was the hardest part of this project.

I love the new change of the doors.  I will be changing the back wall on Thursday’s blog post!





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Stay strong and blessed!


  1. Looks very nice. Pretty curious about what all you have up in that attic, lol. I like how you toned down the stain with chalk paint. Great idea!

    1. Oh Kelli I would hate to think about moving out of the attic. It’s pretty pack with everything you can think of. We even have old windows up there. ha!

      The chalk paint toned down the orange in the stain, I think. Thanks Kelli for visiting here!

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