Hello friends!  How are you doing this week?  I am doing great!  Around our house has been a little more idle.  Yes…no projects for me this week.  I have been focusing on cleaning this week.  With all the projects I did the house got a little neglected.  Are you like me and like to keep on top of the house cleaning?  I think I told you before that I love to follow Flylady (click on the word and it will take you to her website).  I like to follow the detail cleaning portion of the site.  You might not like the site and have your own routine that works for you and that is great.  I feel more motivated when I have some type of list to look at instead of walking into a room feeling overwhelmed.  Go check it out and see if it is something you would like.

I love hosting dinner parties with family and friends. A good reason to bring out my linen napkins and tablecloths.  I enjoy creating a beautiful tablescape for the party.  I have several cloth napkins in different colors and patterns.  I keep my linen napkins in my china cabinet drawers.  I buy them in a set of 12 normally.  We have dinner parties that sometimes are more than 8 guest so I like to keep 12 on hand of the same style.  I take each set of napkins, fold them, stack them on top of each other and wrap a pretty ribbon around them.  I place them in the drawer so when it is time to set my table they are much easier to grab.

Here is a picture of how I store my napkins.

My tablecloths, I put in my chest in our Family room.  The chest has larger and deeper drawers.  I like to roll the tablecloth up and store in that drawer so when I am ready to pick my tablecloth I can see all of them at once.   I only have two Christmas tablecloths and 12 napkins so they are stored in their own drawer.  I know some of you might be questioning me why I would roll them up?  They do get wrinkle regardless on how I store them.  Even neatly folded they have fold lines to where I have to press them before putting them on the table.  Rolling them up just lets me store them where I am able to see all of them when opening the drawer.

Here is a photo of my tablecloth storage method.



Now you seen how I store my table linens let me tell you the reason for this blog post.

We had a dinner party and I used my cloth napkins.  After our guest left I cleaned up and threw the napkins in the laundry hamper.  I thought I would just spot clean them before washing them.  Well….I forgot they were in the hamper with all the other color clothes to be washed.  When I pulled them out of the washer they had grease stains all over them.  I have heard several different ways on removing grease from clothing.  In the past I have tried a couple ways and it didn’t really work.  I popped on goggle and search how to remove grease stains from linen napkins.  You can imagine how many there were.  I read one and thought “OK…I will see if it is a good tip or if it was just a waste of my time.  I wanted to share this with you in case you are like me and have napkins that are ruined or you thought they were.  Here is something you might want to try.

Here is my napkins before I started the experiment.


I grabbed the ingredients it called for.
Blue Dawn dish soap and baking soda that’s it.
1 Tablespoon of Blue Dawn and 1 Tablespoon of Baking Soda. Depending on the amount you need, if you need more just use more tablespoons of each.

He is photos of the steps I took.  The mixture is more like a running paste.

I applied the mixture to all the stains.  Took a toothbrush (I keep for laundry purposes) scrubbed the area.  Let it sit for 15 minutes, throw in the washer and wash normally.
Took the napkins out of the washer……IT WORKS!

Friends!  This is a tip that I will keep in my books.  It didn’t disturb the color at all.  I sure hope I gave you a good tip to use on something that you too thought was ruined.  I am happy that I got the stains out of my napkins.  I ironed, folded and placed back in the drawer until next time I need to use them.

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!  Thanks again friends for stopping by and visiting.  Hope you are able to use this tip.

As always, love having you stop by and visiting me.
Stay strong and stay blessed!