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Hey there!  Today is the Under $10 on the 10th hop, here we share how you can create something under $10.   The blog hop is hosted each month by Tammy over at Patina and Paint, at the bottom of my page I will have all the blogger’s projects linked for you.

This month’s theme is gardening or outdoors.  We are about ready to go outdoor and clean the porches and start planting our flowers, can you believe it is May and I haven’t done either yet?  Well, with the pollen being so strong in our area, there is no sense on doing the cleaning until it all settles.  But I can still work on things I will use outdoors, right?

For my craft I am sharing this paint your own stepping stone I found in Dollar General for $5.  It came with its own paint and a paint brush along with a stone.  They had a couple different ones you could choose from; I thought the turtle would be so cute out on the patio or even the garden.

Although, the paint they supplied would be darling on the turtle, I decided to use all blues and grey.  I will be using a clear spray to seal my work.

This was so easy and fun to paint.


Starting with Waverly chalk paint in the color Elephant to paint the turtle’s body, not the shell.

Making sure to paint the back as well.

For the raise part of the turtle’s body, I am using Waverly chalk paint in the color Silver Lining.

For the turtle’s eyes, I am using Waverly chalk paint in the colors, Ink and White.

Working on the turtle’s shell, I painted the lines with the Elephant.

I used a variety of blues I had on hand.  Each shape I colored with shades of blue.

After all the squares were painted, I gave it a coat of Krylon clear spray paint, front and back.

I am not sure where I will place this cute turtle, but wherever I place him, he is going to look amazing!!






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God bless you! ♥

Make sure you go view the other girl’s Garden share.

Tammy – Patina and Paint

Teresa – Through A Vintage Door

Niki – Life of a Leo Wife