Hey there!  Today I am going to talk about how I start a project.  I get asked quite often, “How do you start your projects”?  I want to share with you how easy it is to start a project with a little tip that I do each time I begin one of mine.

What better project to share than our daughter, Kristin’s Living room project. 🙂 Here is how I took this large task and made it simple and less stressful.  It does get overwhelming if you look at the room as a whole project.  I like to break the work down into work sections.  Let me share with you just how I do that to keep sane. 🙂

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Here is how.

First thing I walk through the area and see what needs to be done.

After I walk through and write down all the things that we want to change or update.  I start  a project board using a program called  This program is so easy to use and it is free.  Better yet, right?

I go down our  list and map out all the things we need/want to do.  I take photos of the before, of course, and upload the photos into Canva.  I create a board with all the work that we want to change.

The things we want to do, I break the projects down into individual work projects.

We tackled the fireplace first thing.  You can check out the whole transformation here FIREPLACE MAKEOVER and MANTEL.

We are working on the Wet Bar closet now.  I hope to share the makeover with you soon.

Whew!  That’s seems like a lot, not really, on paper it looks like a long process.  We tackle one area on the work board until it’s done and then all the way to the last job.

To see the Living Room Makeover on a budget you can check out the work process we have completed here LIVING ROOM MAKEOVER.

I hope this helps you on your next large project.  It keeps me sane and focus.  Plus…I am a list maker so this works best for me.  I print out all my project boards and place them in my binder along with a spreadsheet of the cost and an itemized list of what materials we used along with the receipts.

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