Happy Sunday! The lovely Emily from LeCultivateur invited me to join in on a Thrift Store Challenge. I am joining Emily and Danya from Just Another Farmhouse in this Thrift Store Challenge. The three of us will be sharing our thrift store finds today. At the bottom of my page I will take you over to see what the girls found at their favorite thrift store.
If you are new to my blog, welcome and thank you for stopping by. I love sharing tips on how to decorate on a budget. Shopping at thrift stores is a great way to save money on home décor. Today I am sharing a couple of things that were found at thrift stores and a quick DIY bird’s nest. I hope you enjoy my blog today.
To view all my Thrift Store Finds you can go check them out here ⇒ THRIFT STORE CHALLENGE.
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The first item is this large bird cage. A sweet friend went into a thrift store and found this beauty. She said she thought of me and bought it for me. Isn’t this so sweet?
I found this cute little bird cage one day when I was in a Thrift store. This gem was only $1.91.
It is Easter decorating over here at Decorate and More with Tip. I am in the dining room starting to decorate the table. What a perfect table décor this will be. I need to dress my bird cage up since I am going to sit it in the center of my table.
I want to decorate the inner part of my cage first. I would love to add a large bird’s nest. I don’t have one that size, but……I have the material to make one! Here are the items you need to make a bird nest out of some Dollar Tree items.
- Dollar Tree small wreath
- 1 small plant saucer
- twigs in your yard
- Spanish moss
- Reindeer moss
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
- scissors and wire snips
- speckle eggs
First thing is to create a bottom for the wreath. I had a plant saucer left over from a previous DIY so I thought I could use this for a bottom, I need something to hold the moss in the wreath.
My wreath is a little larger than the saucer so I am going to cut the saucer to help glue it to the wreath.
Now we have our base to the bird nest. Taking some Spanish moss and forming a bowl in the center of the base.
You can glue your Spanish moss to the base if you want, I am not. It pretty much stays put as it is. Now adding some Reindeer moss just in a few places.
The nest looks a little thin from the side view.
Taking some twigs and adding them to the nest.
That’s it. I added two speckled eggs.
Now to decorate my large bird cage. The cage’s top opens up to add anything you may like inside the cage. I added greenery, my DIY bird nest and a bird statue.
I added greenery, flowers and a bow to the top of the cage.
Now on to the small bird cage I found. I removed the little tealight holder, added a bird nest with little robin eggs and placed it on top of a candle holder.
Both of my bird cages will be place on my dining room table for the Easter season. I will be sharing more DIYs for both tables our dining room and kitchen in the days ahead. Hope you keep coming by to view some inspiration for decorating on a budget.
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Let’s go over to Emily and Danya’s home to see what they thrifted.

Decorating our home on a budget is my thrill. I think a home can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Your home should bring the best out of you and make you feel happy. You should smile every time you enter your home. 🙂