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The past few weeks we have been bringing you into our homes as we decorated for Fall.  Again, I joined my talented friend, Tammy Patina and Paint in Decorate with Us | Fall Series 2022.  We are ending our series with our Fall Tour!  I will have Tammy’s Home Tour link at the bottom of my page.

Let’s start at the front porch and work our way to the back porch.  I won’t bore you with a lot of words since I already blogged on each room, instead I will give you the link to each room’s post to view closer.

To take a video tour go over to my Facebook page for Our Fall Home Tour!

Front Porch

Fall front porch’s blog post – FALL STOOP INSPIRATION

Back Screened-In Porch

Fall back porch’s blog post – COZY FALL BACK PORCH – FALL 2022

Front Entryway

Front foyer’s blog post – FALL ENTRYWAY INSPIRATION – FALL 2022

Laundry Room/ Back Entryway

Fall laundry room’s blog post – FALL LAUNDRY ROOM 2022

Dining Room

Dining room’s blog post – FALL DINING ROOM | DECORATE WITH ME 2022


Fall kitchen’s blog posts

Guest Bathroom

Half Bathroom

Fall half bathroom’s blog post – TRADITIONAL FALL HALF BATHROOM

Guest Bedroom

Fall guest bedroom’s blog post – 3 FALLDECOR ELEMENTS TO ADD TO A BEDROOM

Master Bedroom


Family Room

Fall family room’s blog posts

Thanks so much for taking the tour through our Fall home!  Be sure to check out Tammy’s Fall home tour for more inspiration.

Tammy- Patina and Paint’s Fall Home Tour

Tammy Patina and Paint – Fall Home Tour

To see all my past Fall Inspiration, click below.







Follow Decorate and More with Tip!!
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Stay strong and God bless! ♥

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3 thoughts on “COZY FALL HOME TOUR – FALL 2022

  1. Terrie your home is absolutely beautiful! I know I keep saying that your home is so warm and inviting that you would never want to leave it , but it’s so true!!! Great job and thanks so much for sharing your decorating journey for fall this year!

    1. Thank you so much Tammy. I am loving how each room has its own style but flows right into the next room. Love working with the color theme this year! Happy Fall to you and your family Tammy.

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