Hey  there!  Today I am going to share how easy it is to decorate a lantern for Fall.  Before I get to my DIY I need to mention this is our monthly Pinterest Challenge, the challenge is hosted by  Erlene with My Pinterventures.  Pinterest is a great place for all of us to go and check out home décor, recipes, DIYs, crafts and so much more. Today I am in a group of talented bloggers sharing our version of some inspiration we found on Pinterest. To view my previous Pinterest challenges you can catch up PINTEREST CHALLENGES. Just click to follow me and my pins on Pinterest →PINTEREST ACCOUNT.

I had several of my DIY Dollar Tree pumpkins left over from last year and hated to pack them away so I decided to dress my floor lantern for Fall.  It doesn’t have to be a floor lantern, any size lantern would work just as well.  If you want to check out all my DIY pumpkins from last year you can go here ⇒ 2018 FALL.

My Pinterest inspiration came from Darice’s DIY Fall lantern.  You can check her pin here ⇒ EASY FALL HOME DECOR.  Here’s my version.


  • Lantern
  • Assortment of pumpkins -size depends on the lantern you are using
  • Assortment of gourds – size depends on the lantern you are using
  • Pine cones
  • Battery operated light strand
  • Assortment of Fall leaves
  • Greenery stem
  • Faux Fall flower picks
  • Ribbon
  • Floral wire
  • wire cutters and scissors

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Lay your lantern on the floor.

Place the larger pumpkins in the lantern.  I arranged them how I wanted them to be placed.

Now take all the smaller pumpkins and gourds and place them in the lantern.  I tried placing them neatly in the lantern, but didn’t like the look.  The second time I just tossed them into the lantern and I liked it better.

Drop your pine cones in next.  You will notice my DIY acorns, I am using them as well.  If you want to read the tutorial click here ⇒ DIY ACORN.

Next I am using the Dollar Tree faux maple leaves, I just let them fall into the lantern.

Stand your lantern up.  Some items will fall out,  just placed back inside.

I thread the strand of lights through the top of my lantern weaving the strand into the mix pumpkins and gourds.

I closed the door and started to work on the lantern’s swag on the top of my lantern.

I am using a piece of greenery and a few Dollar Tree Fall picks.  I purchased a roll of orange burlap ribbon from Walmart.  I decided not to use the other ribbon.

Taking the greenery stem and bending it around the top of my lantern.

Letting the stem hang freely.

Taking the Dollar Tree picks, I gathered them all together in my hand.

I added some greenery to the flowers.  I wrapped some floral wire around all of it to keep together.

Add the flower bundle to the top of the lantern.  I wrapped the floral wire around the greenery stem and the handle of the lantern to attach it to the lantern.

I made a bow and attached that to the lantern as well.

That’s it.  I lve it! 

I placed a larger pumpkin in front of the lantern to complete the look.  

It’s a fun project that you can put your own personal touches too.  Save this on your Pinterest project boards until you get the supplies to make one for your home.  I hope you enjoyed my DIY Fall pumpkin filled lantern.


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For more Pinterest inspired projects from this month’s Pinterest Challenge hosts, check out the links below ↓

Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop
My Pinterventures Eye Love Knots   Faeries and Fauna   Life Beyond the Kitchen
Across the BoulevardPurple Hues and Me  Intelligent Domestications
My Family Thyme • Mom Home Guide  Our Unschooling Journey 
Our Crafty Mom •  
Sum of their Stories  •  Farm Girl Reformed
Decorate and More with Tip  •  This Autoimmune Life  •  Sew Crafty Crochet
Domestic Deadline  
  Cookies Coffee and Crafts •  My Sweet Things
Christina Faye Repurposed   Blogghetti    Teadoodles   Our Good Life

 Now, let’s see what the other hosts have created ⇓⇓


  1. Beautiful. I love your lanterns. May I ask where you got them? I’m new at decorating and just found you. Subscribed.

  2. Using lanterns for seasonal decor is a lovely look. I have a couple of small ones that I use on my mantel frequently. I love floor ones, too. Yours are so pretty with the rich fall colors you used.

  3. There’s something about decorating a lantern that will never go out of style! The possibilities are unlimited how to achieve this and you’ve created such a warm and comforting look using colorful autumn pieces!

    1. I am with you, I don’t think a decorated lantern will never go out of style. I love my lantern and always have fun decorating it for certain seasons.

    2. I think like you do and feel decorating a lantern will never go out. I love decorating my floor lantern for several holidays. Thanks for coming over Gail. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Leanne. I love my lanterns and this Fall I really love how they look all decorated with Fall favorites. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Have a great week!

    1. Cherryl thank you. Giving the lanterns some extra flavor is so fun. I love adding the lights. I am thinking Christmas ornaments with lights would look just as cute.

    1. So happy that you like how the Fall favorites looks in a lantern. I can’t wait to see what your creation looks like. Thanks for stopping by Emily.

  4. This is so pretty Terrie. Love is pieces like this. For some reason it’s often in my plan and I decide to do something else. Have no idea why.

    Have great start to your week


    1. Thank you Christina. I love my floor lanterns with all the Fall colors and favorites placed inside. Thanks for stopping by. Have a beautiful day!

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