Welcome to Decorate and More with Tip!  It’s the first Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for the monthly DIY Challenge.  We will be doing a knock-off home décor, I challenged bloggers to replica a high end item on a budget.


To check out all my past DIY Challenges you can view them here → DIY CHALLENGES.

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I have been searching inspiration for our Master bedroom and spotted a floor vase, it has the Boho vibe that I am wanting for the room.  I am sharing a small version of the inspiration with you today, if it works I will be searching for larger supplies to make the floor vase.  The inspirational vase I found on West Elm’s website, Thom Floor Vase.

Thom Floor Vase – West Elm

The supplies I am using for the smaller version will be items I purchased at Dollar Tree, 3 clear plastic serving bowls and a tube of Fix-All glue.

I took two of the serving bowls removing the bottom of the bowl by melting around the bottom with the tip of my hot glue gun.

For the sharp edges I used a lighter to soften the edges.  I know it isn’t pretty now, but I will be spray painting the bowls.

Taking one of the bottomless bowls and a bowl with a bottom, I glued them together with the Fix-All.  I applied the glue to the inner edge, this prevents the glue from dripping on the outside of the bowl.

Once the glue dried I glued the two bottomless bowls together with the Fix-All.

To clean the outer part of the vase I used alcohol and a paper towel.

I spray painted two coats of Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch 2x to the vase in the color French blue.

Let the paint dry thoroughly.

I have always wanted to try this mud technique to a vase,  this was the perfect time to try it out.  This technique is taking mud smearing it all over a vase, letting it dry and wiping it off.  It is suppose to make your vase look like stone or a piece of pottery.

I used sandy dirt from our yard and water to make mud.

Smeared the mud all over the vase.  I even did the inside top part of the vase.

Let the mud dry completely.

I wiped all the excess dried mud off the vase with a clean dry towel, I continued to wipe the vase until no dirt came off the vase.

The final step was giving the vase two coats of clear enamel.

I am so excited how the vase turned out, I will be searching for extra large bowls to make a floor size knock-off vase.

Let’s take a look again at the West Elm’s vase and then my knock-off vase.





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Stay strong and God bless! ♥

Up next is Shae over at Sweet Southern Grace, I can’t wait to go check out what she has for us, her outside dining room table sure looks fancy!!  Don’t forget to go over to each one of my friend’s blog and see what they are knocking-off!



Decorate and More with Tip  |  Sweet Southern Grace


Cloches and Lavender  |  Purple Hues and Me


B4 and Afters  |  Patina and Paint

BlueSky at Home


  1. Oh my goodness, Terrie!! You did such an awesome job on this!! I love the color you chose and I can’t wait to see what you do to create a floor vase!! 💕

    1. Thank you Christine. I hope I can find larger containers to create the size I want. It was fun playing with the bowls to see if I could get the look. Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Thank you Tammy. I think it does too. I will paint the larger one the color that will fit the master bedroom but it was fun creating the blue vase.

  2. Cute project Terrie. I’m sure you will make this work on a larger size.

    Looking forward to seeing that when you do it.


    1. Thanks Cindy. I am on the hunt for the same shape containers. I do love how the vase looks, now to find extra large ones to get the same effect.

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