It’s REVEAL day!!  I am so excited for a couple of reason.  “One” all the work in the bathroom is finished and “Two” it’s time to show it off.  If you have missed my process for the $100 Room Challenge and want to catch up click here ⇒ $100 Room Challenge: Our Master Bathroom.  Or you can view my process in my stories on Instagram which I saved in my highlights.  To view you can go here ⇒ $100 ROOM CHALLENGE HIGHLIGHTS.

The last 4 weeks I have been participating in the $100 Room Challenge 

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Review of my $100 Room Challenge Weekly Process


Our Master bathroom is very narrow with a massive garden tub smack dab in the center of the two vanity cabinets.  The walls are painted Pure Earth by Behr which gives the room a dark feeling.  My goal is to brighten up the room and give it a little more glam feel.  To view my first week’s progress you can go here ⇒ WEEK 1 MASTER BATHROOM – $100 ROOM CHALLENGE



Week 2 and my accomplishments

The first week was probably the most labor intense week of the challenge.  I painted the mirror frames and vanity cabinets.  To view the week’s progress report you can go here ⇒ MASTER BATHROOM – $100 ROOM CHALLENGE

I also painted my vanity stool not once but twice. ha!  I painted it blue, but when I placed it in the room it just didn’t look the way I wanted it to look so I grabbed the Pure Earth paint and painted it again.  To check out the vanity stool makeover you can go here ⇒ VANITY STOOL UPDATE

The first week’s cost was a whopping $3.27 this was the cost of fabric for the stool.  I had the paint on hand.  Paint for the cabinet and mirrors was left over paint when I painted the Master bedroom’s furniture.  The stool’s first coat of paint was left over when I painted our front door and the second coat was the paint we keep for touch ups on the walls in our home.

Week 3 and my accomplishments

I thought this would be a pretty mild week’s work.  I finished up painting the cabinets, paint the walls and addressed the floor grout.  To view the week’s progress report you can go here ⇒ WEEK 2 MASTER BATHROOM -$100 ROOM CHALLENGE

To paint the bathroom it would take almost 2 gallons of paint.  The cost of 2 gallons would of been more than half the cost of my room’s budget.  I took the paint left over from painting our front door and I purchased one gallon of paint, I mixed the two together to make two gallons of paint my version of Seattle Gray, now to paint the walls.

The grout was a whole different story…It should of been one easy day’s work, but it ended up being a 3 day job.  I thought I hit the jackpot when I found some OOPs paint on the clearance shelf at Lowe’s for $1.25, it was more than I needed to paint the grout lines and the perfect shade.  One missed little step put me 2 days behind.  I forgot to prime the grout lines so all the paint peeled off.  I sanded and primed the grout (which I forgot to do the first time) I painted the grout lines again.  This time it worked and the paint stayed intact.

This week’s cost was for paint.  I purchased one gallon of Valspar paint and the OOPs paint  both totaled $23.15.  So far total cost $26.42.

Week 4 and my accomplishments

The last week to get this room finished.  I still had to address the window wall and the wall behind the bathroom toilet.  I decided to stencil the walls.  Thanks to Cutting Edge Stencils, they sent me a wall stencil to use for the bathroom walls.  Another thanks to them for doing a giveaway for one of my readers to win $50 toward a stencil purchase.  For details to enter the giveaway click here ⇒ STENCIL GIVEAWAY.

To view how I stenciled the two walls click here ⇒ HOW TO STENCIL AN ACCENT WALL.

First up was the wall behind the bathroom toilet.  I also wanted something placed on the wall but didn’t have anything around the house to use.  I didn’t have much left in the budget to go buy anything.  I also wanted to hang our monogram towels up on the wall as well.  I headed out to our shed to find wood to make a shelf and to attach the towel bar to the shelf.  To go view the towel bar shelf’s tutorial you can go here ⇒ A SIMPLE TOWEL BAR SHELF TUTORIAL.

Shop for a towel bar similar ⇒ WOODEN SHELF

The picture was on the wall above the toilet and the candle holder and flower arrangement was on the corner shelf.  No new purchased made here!

Now to the window wall.

I took down the two small pictures and raised up the towel rings.

The towel bar shelf was all made with items I had on hand.   Even though I was sent the Cutting Edge Stencil I need to add it into the budget.  Trellis Allover Stencil $39.95 and the Stencil Essential Tools $19.50.  The paint I had on hand.  Free shipping for everyone in the USA.  Total cost for this project $59.45.  Total so far is $85.87.

The hard part is finished now it’s the fun part adding all the final decorative pieces into the room. 🙂  To show you  a room’s look doesn’t always mean you have to go out and buy all new decor pieces.  I am placing almost everything back as it was before minus removing some items.  I did purchase one item it was not a piece I went hunting for.  I was in Old Time Pottery one day and found this cute blue smoked long neck bottle.  It was regularly $19.99 was 75% off.  The total amount I paid for the vase $5.45.

I just had to have it.  It could go anywhere in our home, but I love how it looks sitting on my vanity.  I switched out my white pottery vase with the newly purchased vase, I added the stems and placed the ornament rope and sat it on my vanity.

Let’s scan the room.

Let’s take a look at how I did with the budget!

  • paint the mirrors – $0 cost I had paint on hand
  • paint both cabinets – $0 cost I had paint on hand
  • update vanity stool $3.27 for fabric – $0 cost I had paint on hand
  • paint walls $21.79 one gallon of paint
  • update floor $1.36 – second go $0 cost I had paint on hand
  • stencil the walls $59.45 – $0 cost I had the paint on hand
  • towel bar shelf $0 – I had everything on hand
  • vase purchase $5.45

Total cost to change the look in our Master bedroom $91.32


I am not going to sugar coat the makeover.  It was a lot of do it yourself jobs and being creative.  I hope I shared some inspiration on how to change a room on a budget.  Changing a room’s look doesn’t always mean you have to hire contractors, going out and buying everything brand new or changing all your home décor.  In my room I used paint that was sitting around waiting to be used, doing the work myself, making a shelf instead of buying one and using what I had already in the room.  I think it turned out pretty well, what do you think?

If I inspired you with something I did in our Master bathroom pin this to keep.


Thank you for following me in this challenge.  I had so much fun giving you a weekly progress report and sharing some ideas I had for this room.  If you want to review my whole Master Bathroom Project you can check that out here ⇒  MASTER BATHROOM ~ $100 ROOM CHALLENGE 

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Check out all of the participants that are sharing their $100 Room Challenge Reveal.

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  1. It really did bring in some well deserve light. I am enjoying it every morning when getting ready and right before turning in at night. So happy how it looks and that it is finished.

    1. Yes….Painting things make old items new again. It really did brighten the space up. I am so happy joining the challenge, it gave me the push I needed. Love working with you Erin!

  2. How bright and happy it looks now! You did such a great job on this space. I’m so glad you joined in on this challenge. I am so impressed that you stenciled your walls! I thought for SURE it was wallpaper!

    1. Thanks Morgan. I didn’t know what I was going to do to the walls at first. This will be so easy to change out than if I would of used wallpaper. I am so happy I joined in and met you. It was so fun working with you in the challenge.

  3. Awesome job! I bet you feel so proud when you walk in and survey the changes that YOU have made all by yourself rather than relying on someone else or just buying new expensive stuff!

  4. I love the accent wall, and your new painted cabinets look fantastic! Did you have any trouble with the paint bleeding using a stencil?
    You gave your bathroom a completely different feel, I hardly recognize it! So SO much painting! Definitely a labor of love, and well worth it!

    1. Thanks Joy. I had a few places but nothing too bad. You want to take most of the paint off your roller I used a bath towel. The places that I had bleeds I just touched up. It really was a great job to do.

  5. Isn’t it amazing what some back breaking work and a little paint can do? Love the new white cabinets and wallpaper. Great job. And even though I need to do the tile grout in our home, I’m afraid I’ll just have to keep coming back to see yours instead.

    1. ha ha! it really wasn’t that hard of a job if you do it right….ha ha. Yes a little hard work doesn’t hurt any of us…We might feel this project for several days afterwards, but soaking in my tub for the sore parts of my body will enjoy the view.

    1. Yes thrilled that this room is finished. I do love how it looks. now going to the other parts of our home and cleaning and Fall decorating since I neglected it for 4 weeks. ha! Thanks for your sweet compliment.

  6. You did it! Looks so nice, Terrie. I’m in love with the accent walls. I also really appreciate how you share what didn’t work and how you went back to fix it. Want to check out your diy shelf and am really curious about the color of your vanity stool.

    1. Kelli, I wish I didn’t have any mistakes, but we all know that things just don’t work always perfectly. I love how the shelf turned out. It’s a perfect little DIY to add to the bathroom. The paint I used on my stool the second time is Pure Earth by Behr. I have it is Satin. It looks a lot darker in pictures and the video but it is a nice neutral color. I have it on most of my walls in our home. It goes with any color. It has that great tone. Thanks for your sweet comments.

    1. Thank you Lauren. I wasn’t for sure if I could get it completed but it all came together. It had it’s challenging times but so glad I joined in on this challenge. It gave me the determination to get it started.

    1. Thank you Rebecca. I am so happy you love my bathroom makeover. So happy I joined in on this challenge. Had a great time working on a challenge with you. You do great work…Love your room and your DIY stenciled wall.

  7. That turned out just beautifully! It’s an updated look without being boring or cookie cutter! I love the color pallet!
    Well done!

  8. Terrie I told you, you knocked this out of the park. Bravo for budget. Paint is an amazing thing it’s magical. Your stenciling has a wow factor. My friend you worked hard and it shows.

    Take a nap.


    1. You are always my best cheerleader. Thank you for your kind comments. I am so happy it is finished. I am working on the next challenge. Hope you are getting ready for it as well. 🙂

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