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Welcome back to our Master bathroom $100 Room Challenge ~ Week 3 !!  I am finally seeing some day light…I still have a lot left to do.  If you have missed the first couple weeks and want to catch up with my progress in the challenge click here ⇒ $100 Room Challenge: Our Master Bathroom.

To refresh you on the $100 Room Challenge 

Let me catch you up after last week’s update.  I finished up the cabinets and placed the drawers and doors back into the cabinets.  It was a great time to sort and organized everything.

I painted the wall with my own version of Seattle Gray.  I shared the whole process on my stories, but for those that didn’t get to see that let me explain.  I love the color Seattle Gray by Benjamin Moore.  To view my Instagram highlight on my $100 Room Challenge you can go view it here ⇒ INSTAGRAM HIGHLIGHTS

For the bathroom I would need two gallons to paint the walls.  That would take almost the full budget allowed for this challenge.  So I thought maybe I could use the paint I had left (which was almost a full gallon) from painting our front door.

But it was too bright of a blue for what I want in the room. So my next thought was to buy one gallon of paint at Lowe’s matching the Edgecomb gray and mixing the two paints together along with a touch of gray to make my own Seattle Gray.  The reason I decided on matching the Edgecomb gray was to keep the grays in the same color family.

It came out pretty close to matching.  If you like the color I would suggest to use Seattle Gray.  It is a beautiful color.

Before I paint, I prep things for easy clean up.  Here is what I like to do before I start to paint.

  1. I like to remove all the light and plug in plates and tape over the area that will be exposed.

2. Wrapping up all the bathroom fixtures to avoid getting paint splattered on to them.

3.  Taping around the light fixtures that can not be removed and remove all the globes or lamp shades.

4.  Protect any items with plastic to prevent from getting paint on them as well.

This will save some clean up time.  The next thing I like to do is patch up any holes from nails or screws with Spackle.

I am raising the hand towel rings higher.  The height they are now the towels hit the wooden railing.  So I used Spackle to fill in the wholes and will sand before painting.

I gave the walls two coats of paint.

Once the paint was dried I placed the larger mirror on the wall.  The other two will have to wait until I finish the walls they are placed on.

I also shared on my stories how unhappy I was with the mirror and how the back side of the frame reflects off of the mirror.  I tried painting the inside space with paint. I didn’t like how it looked either so I grabbed my caulk and filled a thin line into the space.  Took my finger with alcohol and smooth out the caulk.  It looks so much better.

While waiting for the wall paint to be mixed at Lowe’s I took a look at the OOPs shelves (paint that was brought back to the store) to see what they have.  I always find myself looking at clearance shelves no matter where I am. 🙂  I found a little sample jar of mistint paint.

I thought it was pretty close to the tile color in our bathroom.  For $1.25 if it didn’t work I could use it for another future project, right?

Our grout use to be a lighter taupe color over time it became dark.  We never sealed our grout.  That is something I will do if we ever do tile again.

I have seen on Pinterest where people refresh their old grout with paint.  Different types of paint from acrylic craft paint, chalk paint and most popular one grout paint.  I thought I would try the oops latex paint.  With sanded grout, like ours since it hasn’t been sealed, the paint should absorb easily.  Using latex paint should act like a sealer as well.

Here is how:

First step was clean the floor well.  I used good ‘ole hot soapy water and a scouring pad.

Our bathroom tile has texture so the grout got trapped in the crevices.  I wanted to remove as much of it as I could.

Once the floor was good and dry I used a stiff bristle craft brush (size of the grout line) and my little jar of mistint paint and I started painting the grout lines.

I painted in small sections at a time.  Doing a square at a time.  I started in the back corner.

I used a damp fiber cloth and wrapped it around my finger to wipe off any paint from the tile.

I let the paint dry over night, the next morning I started to clean the tiles.  When I was wiping the tiles the new paint was peeling off.

Back to the drawing board.  I realized what I did wrong!!!!!  I didn’t sand or primed the floor.  UGH! I always sand and prime.  What is the matter with me???  So I scrubbed the floor again trying to remove as much of the left on paint as I could. I sanded with 120 grit sand paper and primed all the grout. I am using the Benjamin Moore Advance paint,  Edgecomb Gray.  I liked the look of it when I painted the grout lines after the OOPS paint flopped.  I did the same procedure when painting the first time besides sanded and primed first.  I gave the grout lines two coats.

After one hour I wiped it with soapy water like I did before and everything stayed intact.  YAY!  A lot of hard work but you don’t know until you try, right?

Let’s look at my goals for this challenge ~ I marked though the items that has been completed.

  • paint the mirrors $0 cost had paint on hand
  • paint both cabinets$0 cost had paint on hand
  • update vanity stool $3.27 for fabric – $0 cost had paint on hand
  • paint walls $21.79 one gallon of paint
  • update floor $1.36 – second go $0 cost had paint on hand
  • address the window wall and the wall behind the bathroom toilet
  • update decor pieces

Total cost so far $26.42

Be sure to keep watching for my process report each Wednesday until REVEAL DAY!  I still have a lot left to do.  I lost 2 days due to the floor.  To review Week 1 and 2 you can click to go to my $100 Room Challenge page.  $100 ROOM CHALLENGE

If you want to remember how I painted my grout lines on the floor pin this for later.


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Check out all of the participants that are sharing their progress of Week 3.

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19 thoughts on “UPDATING GROUT LINES

  1. I think it’s comical that you are going light in your bathroom and your existing wall paint color is what I’m painting in ours. Love how the grout turned out. Looks brand spanking new! I can hardly wait to see the reveal!

    1. thanks Cindy. Are you going with Seattle Gray? How fun! I love the color and so pretty for a bathroom. I can’t wait to see everyone’s revealing. It’s coming up so fast and I still have several things I want to do.

    1. Thank you! I had over a half gallon of the paint left from when I painted our Master bedroom furniture, which helped with the cost. The walls I was so happy that I was able to use the left over paint from the front door with a new gallon of paint. Isn’t the wall color awesome can’t wait to get everything placed in to get the true look of it. Thanks for stopping by.

    1. I just love how the colors turned out. It was sort of like a high school experiment. ha! Remember to prime!!! ha! Thank you so much. Can’t wait to get the last few touches done so I can get decorating.

  2. Terrie those grout lines look awesome! But very time consuming… lol You did a great job. Love the color on the walls. Can’t wait to see your finished room.

  3. Bravo my friend it’s looking fantastic. You’re doing so well with budget. How are you going to spend the extra money you’re saving? Everything is looking beautiful. I can’t wait to see it completed.


    1. Thanks Cindy. I am doing well with the budget due to having so much paint at the house. ha! I am sure I will spend my budget. I still have plenty of things to do. I can’t wait to share the revealing to you next week!

  4. WOW that paint color is marvelous and really makes your bathroom so bright and airy now. I love the tip on painting the grout lines, I have done that in a few locations where there were spills that stained the light grout, and the sealer did really work, lol. So now I just do maintenance touch tips with my spring cleaning!

    1. Thanks Jen. I was so happy with the paint color for the walls and the cost for sure! Live and learn I guess. I will make sure my grout is prepped properly before the next time I decide to paint. ha! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Thanks Sherry! Just the cabinets being painted made a huge difference. I can’t wait to get the room’s reveal. It has been crazy around our home for sure.

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