Hello friends! How is your Wednesday going? I hope you have your Christmas to-do list all checked off. I have my list almost done. I still have to go grocery shopping and get my recipes all lined up. That won’t take much time getting that done. Just wonder how the grocery lines are. I hope not as bad as the lines were when I went Christmas shopping. WHEW! I spent more time in line than I did shopping. I guess that’s part of Christmas.
So, today I thought I would share with you the round up of my Christmas DIY, crafts and little tips that I have posted throughout my 30 days of Christmas. I think it would be helpful if you had them all on one page.
Did you enjoy the DIYs that I shared with you? It was a lot of fun posting my DIYs and crafts over the 30 days. I loved sharing my creations with you this season. I would love to see how your’s turned out if you made any for yourself. I had one friend send me a photo of her Poinsettia bow that she made. She made her bow from a lime green and red ribbon. So cute! Thank you Fayna for sharing your bow with me! If you want to send a picture to me you can through; Email or Facebook I would truly love to see how yours turned out.
Here are all the things I shared with you over the 30 days of Christmas! Just click on the title of the photo and it will take you to the blog for that project.

That was a lot of activity. I hope one of my DIY or crafts grabbed your eye and you made one or more for yourself. If not, maybe you enjoyed watching me make them for myself. Either way I am so thrilled that you joined me over the 30 days of Christmas! I appreciate the following and hope that you continue to stop by and visit me. You just never know what this girl will tackle next! I am already searching and pinning great ideas for the new year! Stay tuned!
As always…. follow me on Instagram and Facebook. And jump over on Pinterest and see what all I pin.
Thank you for stopping by and hope you return back here on Friday. Hope you all have a great Wednesday!
Stay Strong and Stay Blessed!
Decorating our home on a budget is my thrill. I think a home can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Your home should bring the best out of you and make you feel happy. You should smile every time you enter your home. 🙂