I am so excited about this little craft I am sharing with you today !!  It’s time for another 10 on the 10th inspiration.  I want to thank Patti with Pandora’s Box for hosting this month. We are sharing some up-cycle or re-purpose inspiration.  At the bottom of my page I have listed all of my friend’s links so you can go visit their inspiration.  Patti always has some great inspiration for us.

Going into a thrift store or going to a yard sale you normally will find light globes for ceiling fans or vanity globes for a few bucks.  I am going to give you a reason to go hunt for them. 🙂  I had 4 globes sitting up in our attic from my daughter’s ceiling fan we removed several months ago.  I am going to use items that can be easily removed so if we ever want to sell or use the fan the globes are ready to be used again.  I will show you step by step how easy it is to make these cute little ghost globes.

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Let’s get started!

First thing I did was to make sure the globes were clean and dust free.  I am going to use electrical tape instead of paint so it can be easily removed, if I have to.  You can use paint instead of the tape to make yours permanent.  Taking some electric tape and adding two strips to a piece of non stick paper (I am using a piece of empty sticker paper).

I free handed 4 little egg shaped circles and a shape for a smiley face grin on the electric tape.  I cut the shapes out.

Taking one of the globes and applying the eyes and mouth.  I took my Ballet Slipper Pink chalk paint and painted two little dots to each side of the smile shape.  This will be the little girl ghost.

Adding to the other globe just the smiley face.

To the little girl ghost I am going to add a bow to the top of the globe.  I used two types of  ribbon to make the bow, attaching the bow to the globe with hot glue.

Taking the other globe ghost and making a BOO banner.  I am using black wire string, orange ribbon, black small letter stickers and hot glue. (My black wire string was from a piece of black wire ribbon I trimmed off).

taking the orange ribbon and cutting 3 little flags. Cutting my ribbon’s end in the fish tail technique.  Adding a B – O – O to the flags.

Taking my black string, hot gluing the ends to each side.

Hot gluing the flags to the center of the string.

I made two simple small bows and hot glued them to each end of the string.

Are they not the cutest ever?!

Wait!  I am not finished yet.  I want to give some highlights to their little smiley faces.  I took some white chalk paint and a thin tip brush and gave some highlighting to their eyes and smiles.

I am going to use 2 battery operated votive candles and place under the globes.

How cute is this?  I love how the votive candles give the little darlings a glow.

I just adore these little goblins.  If you like to save this until you can gather the items pin this for an easy find when you are ready to make a pair for your home.


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Up next is Carol over at BlueSky at Home.  She always has great ideas for under $10.  Don’t forget to click on my list of friends to go see what they have been up-cycling or re-purposing.

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  1. Those are the cutest ghosts I’ve ever seen! I just saw some of these globes in our local thrift store…on my way back to see of they’re still there!

  2. Very cute idea and love the little girl’s bow. The necklace is a great touch too. Not making it permanent was a good idea.

    Enjoy your day


  3. Terrie those ghosts are the cutest things ever! Such a great way to recycle. Makes me want to go buy some globes just to have some fun!!! Awesome job.

    1. Thanks Tammy. The 10 on 10th gave me the push to do something that I had. When I was hunting up in my attic for something to use, there the globs sat. Gave me an idea I saw on Pinterest. They are the cutest! Have a wonderful week.

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