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I am sharing this week scrap wood home decor pieces.  Instead of buying items I am going to make them, sharing how simple it is with you!


I grabbed a piece of wood the size of 1 x 12 x 40 from our shed to make a cutting board trey.

Making the Handle

  • Find the center and place a mark.

  • Measured 1 inch from each side of the mark.

  • With a carpenter’s square measure down 5 inches from each mark to form a handle.

  • Draw a line from the side of the board to the line of the handle on each side.

  • With a jig saw, cut on the 4 lines.

How easy was that?  4 straight cuts!

Drilling a hole in the handle

  • Measure 1 inch down in the center of the handle.

  • Using a drill bit the size of your rope, string or strap drill on the center mark.

Smooth all the edges and surface

  •  Sand all the edges and surface of the board with 120 grit sandpaper.

  • I rolled up a piece of sandpaper to smooth the drilled hole.

Give color to your board

  • With a baby wipe and Waverly Antique wax I applied to the entire board.
  • My board will not be for food but for decorating only instead of oil I am using a finishing wax.

You can add a leather strap or a rope to the drilled hole, for mine, I will do without.

I have priced a large cutting board like mine; it runs around $100 plus.  OUCH!  I created one with wood I had on hand and save a huge chunk of change.

I hope I have inspired you to use some scrap wood you have laying around your home to create a home decor piece to decorate with.

Don’t want to create one for yourself, but would love to have one?  Here are similar boards; AMAZON ~ ETSY.





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God bless you! ♥


  1. I love this Terrie, I have a few cut out since last year but haven’t got around to sanding .. Yours looks so elegant . Mine are too thick to bring indoors ..
    beautifully styled too !!

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