Happy Friday!

I am so excited to be joining 4 other sweet friends in a Thrift Challenge Blog Hop.

Meet my friends and their blogs/page.  Each of us worked our magic on a thrift store, yard sale or someone’s trash item for $10 or less.  Just click on their names and I will take you right to their place!

  1. Tara – Stilettos and Shiplap
  2. Nicole – To Build a Happy Nest
  3. Emily– LeCultivateur
  4. Elizabeta – Facebook page or IG account

Today for my challenge I am going to share with you a great thrift store revamp!  If you go thrift shopping you see little lamps all day long for little to nothing in price.  You pass them up because you just don’t need that little thing.  Well…I bet after you see what I did with this lamp you will start hunting for them.

I bought the lamp $1.99, a picture frame for 99¢ and a cabinet knob also for 99¢.  If you want to check out some pedestal signs you can purchase, you can go HERE on Etsy to buy one already made similar to mine.

Are you ready to see how I turned my little lamp  into a chalkboard pedestal sign?

Let’s get started!

Supplies I gathered:

  • small lamp
  • picture frame
  • drawer knob
  • piece of wood to fit into your picture frame
  • good strong adhesive
  • chalkboard paint
  • paint
  • wire snips
  • circular saw
  • drill (depending on the type of lamp you have)
  • stencil
  • paint brushes
  • painter’s tape

First step I did was removed the backing and glass from the picture frame.  I took the backing and traced out the size on a piece of board.  I made sure the thickness of the board was not thicker than the picture frame.  I used a circular saw to cut the piece out.  I am getting pretty good with this baby! 🙂

Taking the piece of wood, painting one side with chalkboard paint and the other side with regular black paint.

While that is drying I took the frame and painted it white with my chalk paint.

Taking the lamp and removing the electrical wire and light kit.

I painted the lamp base two coats of white chalk paint and using minwax to seal both the frame and lamp base.

Taking the painted board and your stencil (I used a stencil instead of handwriting my message.  I don’t like my handwriting).  I centered the wording and taped it in place with painters tape.

Taking a sponge stencil brush and patting paint lightly until the letter is all filled in.

Gently remove the stencil off the board when done.

I added some vines.

Taking the picture frame and adding the chalkboard inside.

Taking the drawer knob and adding it to the top of the frame with power grip.  You can use any strong adhesive.

Now take the lamp base and add power grip and attach the frame to it.

Now style it where ever you want.  Isn’t it so cute?

Now don’t forget to go over to my sweet friend’s blog to check out what they have created!

  1. Tara – Stilettos and Shiplap
  2. Nicole – To Build a Happy Nest
  3. Emily– LeCultivateur
  4. Elizabeta – Her Facebook page or IG account

Thank you for stopping by today.  Please feel free in pinning the project to your Pinterest account for maybe making one for yourself.

Give this girl a click if you like what you have seen on the blog today! 🙂  Click the LIKE button and SHARE it with your social media friends!  The buttons you need to click are at the bottom of my page.  I would love for you to be part of my family so follow me on all of the social media.  Facebook HERE – Instagram HERE and Pinterest HERE.  Come by and say Hey!

Stay strong and stay blessed!

XO  Terrie


    1. Thank you Emily. I had a lot of fun working on this challenge. The biggest challenge was to find an item for $10. ha! Thank you for visiting my blog. You are so sweet!

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