Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! Hope you are having a great day.
How does it feel when walking into a clean and fresh smelling kitchen? I am a happier person when my home is freshly cleaned! I typically clean each room once a week. The kitchen is the most used room in our home and it is probably the hardest room to keep clean. I want to share with you some of my simple tips on how I keep my kitchen clean and tidy between cleanings.
Let’s get started!
1. The counter tops
I am one that has to buy the newest and latest cleaning tools…if the commercial says it would help with cleaning our home then I am out the door buying it. Are you like me?
I found what works just as well in our medicine cabinet at home that works great for cleaning. When I read that you could use rubbing alcohol and water to your counter top I thought how silly. I was curious, so I tried it. You use 50% isopropyl alcohol and 50% water, I poured it into a spray bottle. After I wipe my counter tops off I sprayed the alcohol mixture on the counter top, I let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes (I put away dinner dishes while waiting). I wipe it off with a soft cloth, let me just tell you it made my counter top shine. Each night after I wipe my counter tops off from cooking dinner I spray the mixture. It disinfects, sanitize and shines the counter top just like an expensive cleaning product you would buy at a store.
I give this 2 thumbs up!
I also love to use Caldrea counter spray after I use the alcohol mixture to give my counter top a nice smell. I love the Sweet Pea scent. It is very safe for all types of counter tops.
2. The Microwave
We use our microwave everyday. To keep my microwave clean and smelling fresh, I wet a paper towel and squeeze lightly just enough to stop the water from dripping. Add 5 drops of lemon essential oil on the paper towel and pop it in the microwave. Run the microwave for 3 minutes. When the paper towel cools, I use the paper towel to wipe the inside of the microwave clean. This loosens the baked on food for easy wipe up and it smiles like a lemon.
3. Range top
I don’t know about you, but when I walk past my range and see smudges or smears….It bothers me! After I clean my range from cooking dinner I like to use a cook top cleaner to shine the surface. I just spray it on and wipe off. (You also could use the alcohol mixture).
4. Your stainless steel
Stainless steel appliances are so pretty and very popular in a kitchen, but keeping them shining is a never ending battle. The stainless steel cleaners that you purchase to take the smudge marks away does work, but I think they smell like WD-40 and I don’t like that smell in my house. It gets expensive using the cleaning as often as I do.
I started using baby oil to shine my stainless steel. I buy a bottle of baby oil and place it in a spray bottle. I squirt a little on a soft cloth and wipe down my appliances, faucet and sink each night too keep my stainless steel shining.
Not only does the baby oil work on the appliance it doesn’t make my kitchen smell like a garage!
4. My kitchen sink
I like to clean my sink each night. On a normal night I rinse my sink, spray my alcohol mixture and wipe dry. Then I use some baby oil to shine the sink. Something about having a shining sink in the morning when I walk into the kitchen makes my day a little brighter!
Some nights I have to use some cleanser to remove stains. But normally just a rinse down is all I need. For my normal once a week deep cleaning I use soft scrub to remove the stains, bleach to sanitize and then my baby oil to shine.
5. My kitchen dishcloths and towels
I saw one of AtHomeWithNikki’s videos where she uses a bathroom hand towel holder to display her kitchen towels and dishcloths on. For some reason I just loved that idea. I place a brand new dish towel through the front hoop (which will be for looks only) and place one of my knitted dishcloths on top. A friend gave me a couple knitted dishcloths and love using them. In fact, I am knitting my own now. I like the cream color dishcloth so I can bleach when needed.
The back towel is the dish towel we use for that day. I keep my dishcloth on the holder when not using it until the end of the night when I am done in the kitchen I put both the dishcloth and daily towel in the hamper and place fresh ones for the next day.
Are you like I am and like to use a fresh dish cloth and dish towel each day? Let me know in the comments.
I place the towel ring next to a tray with greenery and my container of hand soap. I like the look of this on my counter top next to my sink.
6. My Paper Towels
This drives me absolutely crazy!
One of my pet peeves is the end of the paper towel flopping around. Once in Captain D’s I notice a worker going around folding the roll of paper towels on the tables. I loved it! Funny where you pick up things to do in your own home, isn’t it?
Here is how I fold my towels so the paper isn’t flopping!
I like to keep it tidy by folding and tucking. Not to say you would never see the end flopping. Depends on if I used it last or my husband….it seems like he doesn’t mind the floppiness. ha!
Let’s be honest…..doesn’t this look a lot better? Keeping it nice and neat. Let me know in the comments on if you will be wrapping and tucking in your paper towels like this?
7. The Floor
I like to do a quick sweep with my dirt devil vacuum on the floor.
8. Diffuser![]()
After everything is done in the kitchen for the night I like to turn on my diffuser to clean the room’s air from any lingering dinner orders. I place some lemon essential oil and let it run. Mine turns off automatically when the water is gone. Before I turn in for the night I place it back into a basket and place in my cabinet. I love my kitchen smelling like fresh lemons.
I purchased a large bottle of Lemon Essential Oils from Amazon. You can find it HERE. There are many fragrances you can choose from. I like Lemon for my kitchen.
I hope you enjoyed my 8 tips in keeping the kitchen sparkling between cleanings. If you have any questions please let me know. I have one question for you…..What is your #1 cleaning commitment in your kitchen that you do every night?
Remember to hop over here Thursday for the Valentine’s Blog Hop.
Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you come back each and every time I post. I love sharing my tips with you and reading your comments. Invite a friend to visit me. I would love to have them as a friends also!
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Stay Strong and Stay Blessed!
Decorating our home on a budget is my thrill. I think a home can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Your home should bring the best out of you and make you feel happy. You should smile every time you enter your home. 🙂