Hi everyone!  I hope everyone is doing great today.  I am here to share another great collaboration with a group of sweet friends.  We are also doing a giveaway so please go check my Instagram page {{HERE}} where you can find the simple directions to enter to have a chance to win this awesome wreath.

Isn’t it beautiful?  My sweet friend Emily over at Le.Cultivator {{HERE}} made the wreath.  She is very talented and has a lovely home.

The Challenge was to go to one of our favorite home decor stores and shop the clearance shelf.  The limit was $15.00.  You could buy any one or more items just as long as you didn’t go over $15.00.  I will list all the friends that are in this challenge at the end of my blog.

Let’s get started with my challenge project!

We need to buy at least one clearance item.  Take a photo of the clearance area and the clearance sticker(s).  We then take our items and incorporate it in a Fall setting, since we are in the Fall season it is only fitting that we create a Fall display for you.  That’s the challenge.

I went to several stores and was disappointed, I didn’t find anything.  As you might know when shopping at some stores what’s there today will be different the next day.  I went into TjMaxx a couple of days later and scored!   I spotted the pumpkin right when I turned the corner.  The slim plate I found after searching the shelves about three times on the very top shelf.  I love the pumpkin and the plate was a good price and knew I could use it all year long.  So I picked those two up for my challenge.

When shopping on clearance shelves you can get overwhelmed and need a lot of time to look.  Everything is so unorganized and jammed packed into a small section.  Best tip I can give you….don’t just look at the shelf once.  I normally give it two – three and sometimes five look overs before I determine if there is anything for me or not.

Here are the items that I found.

Here are the stickers.

After some thought I decided to style both in a centerpiece.  But first I wanted to revamp the slim plate.  I brought out my leaf plates from last years Fall tablescape to paint also.  If you have not seen my Fall tablescape from last year you can go {{HERE}}.

I am spray painting the slim plate copper along with the 4 leaf plates.  Using Krylon  All-In-One metallic copper for any type of surfaces.

I am going to style my items in a centerpiece on my kitchen table. This is an area that I love to change often.  It will be changing again for Halloween when I am in yet another challenge.  That one will be so much fun.  It is going to be a Halloween tablescape challenge.  Can’t wait, already planning for that!

On the slim plate I placed a fresh flower arrangement that my husband’s brother sent us.  It is beautiful! Along with two white pillar candles.  I sat the mercury pumpkin in front with two Dollar Tree copper pumpkins next to it.

The pumpkin has a tint of copper/orange to it.  I am not too sure why it was on the clearance shelf.  I looked for something that was wrong with it but there was nothing.  I asked the cashier and she said it was probably returned.  HMMM.

I pulled out my copper chargers, white mag pie plates and the painted leaf plate for the place setting.  Remember my Dollar Tree spray painted copper chargers I shared with you on my tablescape last Christmas?  You can go {{HERE}} to take a look at my dining room Christmas table.

I am in love with my linen napkins.  A sweet friend gave them to me as a gift.  LOVE…LOVE…LOVE them.

I love how it all came together.  I had a lot of fun working on this challenge.  Always fun searching for a bargain and making my home look pretty.

Don’t forget to stop over to my friend’s home to see what type of clearance items they bought to use in their Fall display.  Just click on their blog’s name and I will take you right over to their homes.

I hope you enjoy our Challenge and that you go over to my Instagram page and enter for the giveaway!

Thank you for stopping by!   I would love for you to be part of my family so follow me on all of the social media.  Facebook {{HERE}} Instagram {{HERE}}and Pinterest {{HERE}}.  Come by and say Hey!

Stay strong and stay blessed!

XO  Terrie


  1. I love how elegant this table looks! It’s so beautiful! I would have never thought to spray paint that tray, if I saw it on the shelf! You have such a creative mind Terrie! Great job with this challenge!

    1. Maria, Thank you for your sweet comments. I never look at color. If I like the shape or style and not the color I never think not to buy it. Thanks again Maria!

  2. Terrie, I love that you painted that long plate!! I would have never thought to paint it…amazing!!! You always inspire me with your creativity!! I can’t wait for our next project together!!

    1. Emily, Thank you. I am so happy that I inspire you because you my friend inspire me! I am so excited for our next project too. Thanks again for coming over and visiting me girl!

  3. Terrie, I love how you transformed those items with the copper spray paint! So easy, yet makes such an impact. Your table looks beautiful! Great job! So happy to be on this blog hop with you!

    1. Laura, Thanks for stopping by. I always think if it doesn’t work paint it to make it work. I am so happy we got together and worked on another project. Hope we can do it again soon!

    1. Tara, I am feeling the copper too. It makes anything pop. I am so happy we got together and did this challenge. I can’t wait for another one!

  4. Terrie, I loved how it all turned out! So pretty and love the copper touch! Great job sweet friend! And so fun being on this blog hop with you!
    XO Jerri

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