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Welcome back to Week 4 of the One Room at a Time Challenge! This week hasn’t been so productive. I sanded, primed and gave the chairs one coat of paint, then I received a call from my brother, he has taken our mom to the ER. She was air flighted to a larger hospital where they can treat her with specialist. As of today, she is doing better but still is not out of the woods. I put my projects aside to be with her. I will pick back up as soon as I can.
Here is where I left off with the 6 kitchen chairs.
Sanded the chairs and cleaned them with TSP. Protected the sit part of the chairs to protect them while I am painting them.
First coat is Zinsser Bulls Eye 123.
I gave them one coat of Dovetails paint. And that is where they sit today.
While it still doesn’t look like I’ve checked off enough items on the list this week, I am nearly done with all the painting. Hopefully, the room will come together quickly after the chairs have a couple coats of paint.
Check out what my blogging friends have been up to this week…

Teresa – Through a Vintage Door
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Stay strong and God bless! ♥
Decorating our home on a budget is my thrill. I think a home can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Your home should bring the best out of you and make you feel happy. You should smile every time you enter your home. 🙂