Hey there!  Welcome to all my newcomers!  My name is Terrie here at Decorate and More with Tip!  I am so excited to be joining the $100 Room Challenge this time around.  The challenge is a one month challenge to makeover one room with a budget of $100.  You can go check out all of the participants at the bottom of my page.  Also you can follow our hashtag #100roomchallenge on Instagram.  The Challenge is hosted by Erin over at Lemons, Lavender and Laundry.

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So, I was looking over all the rooms in our home wondering what room I could update and make a change for under $100.  I would love to do our dining room but the light fixture alone is way over the allowed budget, marking that room off my list.  I decided to do our Master bathroom.  It has been 7 years since we changed up our bathroom.  We changed out the brass hardware, light fixtures and mirrors, but there are a couple of things I would of loved to change.  Here is what it looked like back then.

As of today it looks like this.

Here is my list of wants for this room, I have to remember that I have a budget of $100.

Painting the cabinets

I have been tossing the thought of painting our cabinets for sometime now.  Today’s the day.  When we built our home back in 1998 we place oak cabinet throughout our home.  I have painted the laundry room and guest bathroom’s cabinets, but I couldn’t bring myself to paint the ones in this room.  I decided to paint the cabinets the color I painted our Master bedroom’s furniture I have the paint.  This step will cost me zero dollars! 🙂

Painting the mirror frames

Painting the mirror frames the same color as the cabinets will really open up the space.   Again, this also will be zero dollars!

Vanity chair

I will give my little stool a makeover as well.

Painting the walls

The walls are painted Pure Earth by Behr, I am going to give the walls a lighter color.

Addressing the window

When you walk into the room the first thing you see is the window wall above the garden tub.  I want to make this a pretty focal wall.  I am not sure what I want to do it yet.  I will have to look for inspiration on this…..unless you can give me some ideas, I would love to hear your opinions.

Toilet area 

I want to change up the way this space is as well.  Maybe with a taller piece in the corner or open shelving above the stool.

We just had the floor redone.  I love the thought of having a floor with a design and stenciling would be so budget friendly, but I will have to decorate the floor with area rugs instead.

I have my work cut out for me.  Check back every Wednesday for an update on how our Master bathroom is progressing.

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Here is all of the $100 Room Challenge blogger joining in on the challenge.

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  1. I can’t wait to see the huge difference with the new color scheme! So much painting over the next few weeks. I love your bathroom layout!

  2. What a great space to work with! I love the idea of updating the cabinets and mirrors with a little paint. Always cheap, yet makes a huge impact. As for the window… hmmm. Always tough in a bathroom because you want privacy, but natural light is always nice. I bet you’ll come up with something wonderful. I am so excited to have you joining in on the challenge!

    1. I have my work cut out for me in this room. I still have a few unknowns which I need to figure that out soon. Painting is my first step so hopefully once I start that job the other parts will come to me.

      1. I am so excited to be joining in. It pushed me to do the things I wanted to do in the bathroom. I hope you follow my process. I always enjoy your visits here Cindy. Happy weekend!

    1. I am so excited to be doing this. This challenge gave me the push I needed. I can’t wait to start following everyone on this challenge for some great inspiration.

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