Hello friends!  Are you in the Spring cleaning mood?  I have already started my spring cleaning.  I had to pump myself up to get in the mood.  What do you do to get into a cleaning mood?  Some of my friends say lighting a candle, turning on some music, putting on their prettiest apron or buying some real cute rubber cleaning gloves motivates them.  Well, that’s all great things to motivate you.  I do say I like to have some of my favorite music on while I am cleaning.  I also find a time when I can clean the house when I am home alone.  That is a must….having the place to myself without anyone getting in my way or wanting something from me.

I shared with you how I organize my spring cleaning duties on a previous blog.  If you are new, you can find that HERE on how I set up my Spring Cleaning routine.   Today’s blog I want to share 5 small tips that are helpful for your spring cleaning.  You might already do these tips or if not maybe you will want to add these to your spring cleaning worksheet.


Let’s get started!



I think being organized on your spring cleaning helps to keep things running smoothly and can get everything done that you want to do.

I shared how I organize and planned out my routine.  It works perfectly for me, I am not saying this system would work for you, just plan out your cleaning routine so you can get everything you want accomplished.  It is important that you have some type of system to go by.  Maybe one of  these examples would work for you.

  • Make a worksheet with everything you want and mark it off as you go
  • Make a filing system with your cleaning duties on a card and work on a card until it is completed  (like what I do)
  • Work from memory.

 Just have a plan!



Make a checklist of all the cleaning products and tools you need before starting your spring cleaning.  Make a list of things you need and go shopping.  Nothing is worse than having to stop and go out to the store.  If you are like me, you stop to run to the store and come back and lose the momentum.  Get your items in advance to prevent that.  Having everything there when you start keeps you motivated.

Now that I gave you two tips before we even started on spring cleaning, let me share with you some areas around our home that most of us leave off of our spring cleaning routine.


Clean those light switches!  This sounds kind of silly, considering how often we touch them to forget to clean them.  But we do!  You don’t realize how much dirt and grime are on these things.  Cleaning the toggle with a toothbrush to get the dirt and lint from inside the crevices works best for this duty.  You might not realize how dirty they are until you clean one.  You will be surprised.  I use a Clorox wipe and a toothbrush that is it. 



Spring cleaning your area rug is not just vacuuming.  Turn the rug over and vacuum the back.  This tends to loosen up the trapped dirt and dust.

What you need to do is flip your rug over.

Vacuum the back side real good.

Roll up the rug and vacuum the dust and dirt that came from your rug from vacuuming.

Repeat these steps until no dust and dirt is on the floor after vacuuming.

Place your area rug back in place and vacuum.



You are probably saying to yourself…now she is really losing her mind.  I know that you think that a dishwasher is always cleaned since you use it a couple times a week.  Wrong!  The dishwasher is like washing your dishes in the sink.  When you drain the water what do you find at the bottom of your sink when the water is all drained?  Exactly!  So we need to clean the dishwasher too!

Here is how I spring clean my dishwasher.  I remove the bottom tray and make sure there is no food trapped.  I place the bottom rack back in the dishwasher.  I pour a cup of vinegar in a dishwasher safe container and place it on the top rack.  Close the door and run the dishwasher on the hottest cycle.

After that cycle is complete I remove the bowl, I take a cup of baking soda and sprinkle on the bottom and run on the shortest hot cycle.  The baking soda will act like a scrub brush to have a clean and a shiny finish.

Now you have a clean and sanitized dishwasher.

I hope you find these 5 tips helpful for your spring cleaning. I would love to hear if you have any tips that you would like to share.  I am always looking for great tips to help with my spring cleaning.

Thank you so much for coming by today.  I hope you come back to my next blog.  I enjoy your visits and hope you enjoy coming as much.

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Stay Strong and Stay Blessed!

       XO  Terrie

5 thoughts on “5 SPRING CLEANING TIPS

  1. You are so organized. If only I had 1/4 of your attitude towards spring cleaning. It makes sense to have a plan & check sheet/cards. As usualI learned something new…Thanks for the 5 tips…have a great weekend… 😍

    1. Thank you! You are so welcome that’s why I love doing a blog to give some tips and hopefully share with those that want to know them.

  2. You are amazing !! Great tips that most people don’t think of.

    Love you both very much. I have just started yesterday, got my cabinets cleaned out and straightened. Threw away a ton of stuff I don’t use anymore, some were expired !! Time flies !!

  3. Great tips Terrie!! I especially like the dishwasher tips. You are so right, we forget to clean that! I know I do and I have hard water, so I always have a white film on the stainless, yuk! Can’t wait to try this, thank you!😊

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