I said this to y’all before, how can this be December and only 10 days until Christmas??  I haven’t even showed you our Christmas home yet!!  Can you believe we just finished decorating the outside of our home?  Yep, I added the two planters yesterday morning.  Wow, cutting it close to the wire, right?

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Today I am joining Cindy over at Cloches and Lavender to share our Christmas porches.

Our porch is a small area to decorate, we live in the south why we don’t have a southern styled porch I don’t know. 🙂  I still try to bring a warm and welcoming vibe to the porch as much as I can.  Mr. Tip and I normally hang wreaths on all the front windows and I decorate the front door with a pretty wreath.  This year since I am doing a porch tour with Cindy I decided to give the porch a little more decorations.

Several years ago after the holidays I found two Christmas planters marked down 90% in Big Lots.  Over the years I pull stems out to use for other decorations, so when I brought them down this year they looked pretty sad.  I removed the greenery in the planter and started with an empty planter.

I added a wreath to the top of the planter to create a base for my arrangement.

To attach the wreath to the planter I made landscaping hooks out of wire coat hangers.  Running two hooks through both sides of the wreath into the planter’s foam.

I used branches, berries, picks, and pinecones to add to the planter.

I placed a red velvet bow to finish the arrangement.

I placed the two planters on the top step of our porch.

I did remove the string of lights that came on the greenery with the planter.  Maybe next year I will add them back on.

I used the same ribbon with the decorations on the porch.

I am using the same wreath on our door from Christmas 2018 with some minor changes.  Here’s the wreath back on Christmas 2018.

To see the tutorial of my Christmas wreath you can click here JINGLE ALL THE WAY WREATH.

I removed the sign and changed out the bow.  That’s it!!

I placed a Christmas tree inside the milk can and added a bow.

I placed last year’s Christmas door mat in front of the door.

Refreshing up the things I had on hand was a quick way to decorate the porch.

I am happy our outside is decorated.  Now…if I can sit long enough to get presents wrapped!!



Let’s go over to Cindy’s Christmas porch.  I know we will love it.   Click on her blog title or the photo, I will take you over to her CHRISTMAS PORCH OUTDOOR TOUR

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Stay strong and blessed! ♥



    1. Thanks Michelle. Some reason my outdoor decorations gets the last of my attention, which it shouldn’t because this year it’s the only thing that will be seen by all. How crazy this year has been. Merry Christmas!

  1. Terrie these are so pretty!!! I love them. I was just looking at some similar at Lowe’s and they were so expensive. I think these are much prettier. Thanks for sharing…

    1. Tammy I had these planters up in my attic I bet for over 4 years now. I finally brought them down to use. I don’t know why it took me this long to use them. UGH. Thank you so much. Happy Holidays!

  2. Looks pretty Terrie and I love repurposing too as you know.

    I can’t believe Christmas is only 10 days away either. I wish this time of year was slower.

    Great posting with you my friend.


    1. Thanks Cindy. Christmas came so fast I didn’t plan anything for outside until I had the inside complete. Shoot I am still working on inside decoration. ha! I grabbed what I had on hand and made it work. I think it turned out pretty good, glad we got it to enjoy before we have to take it all down. Story of my life. Thanks for asking me to do our porch, you pushed me into decorating it or who knows if it would of even got decorated. Merry Christmas!

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