Hey there!  Welcome to Decorate and More with Tip!  Today’s the 10 on the 10th Blog Hop, this month we are sharing inspiration for Christmas!   We only have 4 bloggers this month, but no worries we have some cute items for $10 or less to share with you.  At the bottom of my page I will have the links to my friend’s Christmas inspiration for you.

To check out all my Christmas inspiration you can click here → CHRISTMAS

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You all know me by now, Christmas is my all time favorite time of the year!

Today, I am sharing how you can make a cute little holiday platter.  You could easily change the theme to your favorite holiday figure, such as, a snowman or even a nutcracker.  It’s super easy and cost little to nothing to make.

Supplies needed to make your platter:

  • Dollar Tree silver banquet platter
  • Paints in the colors of your theme

Since I am making a Santa’s suit, I used:

  • Krylon in the color Gloss Banner Red
  • Apple Barrell craft paint in the colors; white and black and Folk art in the color metallic gold
  • black sharpie
  • a Dollar Tree sponge dobber

Paint the entire platter with your main color.


Making Santa’s belt, I am using a ruler and pencil to mark two lines in the center of my platter.  I used a black sharpie to out line the lines.

Taking the black craft paint, painting in the space of the two lines.

A belt isn’t a belt without a buckle.  Taking out the ruler again making two squares, one inside the other.

I either didn’t take a photo of the next two steps or I lost them.  Anyway, paint the space in the two squares and outline it with a black sharpie.

Adding a little fun to the platter, I printed out the words Ho Ho Ho.  Added the words to the plate by scribbling the back with a pencil and then tracing it onto the platter.  Painted the words white.

Next, I dabbed a circle sponge into the black paint and pushed it in the center top of the platter.

I added a little snowflake design inside the circle.

  • starting with 4 dots
  • drawing a line connecting the dots
  • making 4 more dots in between the first 4 dots
  • drawing lines to the center.

I wish I was a little better in the detailing, but you get the jest of it all.  Put your own detailing on it and make it your own.  I think it is a cute platter.





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God bless you! ♥

Let’s see my friend’s Christmas inspiration.  Click on their names it will take you right over to their blogs.

Tammy – Patina & Paint

Barb – French Ethereal

Ann – The Apple Street Cottage

You are here → Terrie – Decorating & More With Tip


  1. Oh my goodness, Terrie!! This tray is absolutely the cutest!! I could definitely see these as charger plates with Buffalo check napkins!! Thank u so much for the inspiration!!

  2. This is such a fun idea! It turned out great! I’ve got a few of those dollar tree platters on hand and this has given me ideas on how to use them. I don’t paint well enough to do this, but I’m thinking of using my Cricut for them.

    1. So many possibilities for those platters. As you can see I don’t have a steady hand myself. Cricut would be a great tool to use for writing!

  3. Terrie this is absolutely adorable. It was so inspirational that I got to thinking – wouldn’t it be cute to do different elf outfits for the children’s table? Mrs. Claus? Or even characters from Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer… Is my geek showing? ha! Probably. I LOVE this! Just too cute. I am definitely making a few of these!

    1. Your idea is perfect and yes it would be so cute. I can’t wait to see your platters, because you have a talent for painting with details!

      Thanks Tammy!

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